Michele Hayes, Kansas Learning Network Director Complementary Work: School Improvement and Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) Michele Hayes, Kansas Learning Network Director Collaboratively with teacher licensure and accreditation team
Objectives Identify similarities between the KESA and CSI requirements. Identify how the day to day requirements of Title 1 in schools support the overarching accreditation goals and school improvement. Generate questions about how KESA, CSI, and Title I work together within a system. Examine possible solutions for not duplicating efforts and documentation. Begin by surveying the audience…. Like Me.... I work in a district with Title I schools I am familiar with the 5Rs I could explain the Rs to someone else I have been part of a leadership team reaviewing the 5Rs The Title I schools in my district are schoolwide The Title I schools in my district are targeted-assisted I have seenTitle 1 school improvement plan I have had an active part in implementing school improvement efforts Our district has previously had school improvement support from the Kansas Learning Network
Overlapping Work KESA Title I CSI KESA Title 1 CSI Local, Federal, Federal with Local Decisions School Improvement
Successful Outcomes for All Learners Purpose and Requirements of Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) Needs Assessment Focus on Root-Cause Analysis Create Leadership Teams School Action Plan Implement Evidence-Based Interventions Systems Approach District Action Plan to Support Capacity and Sustainability Document Work in KansaStar Differentiated Support (KLN) State Monitoring and Review Successful Outcomes for All Learners Kansas State Department of Education Kansas Learning Network (KLN) District, School, and KLN Implementation Coach Collaboration District and School Implement Effective Practices District and School Build Capacity Successful Outcomes for All Learners -Federal Regulations with local control over how we are identifying schools for this transition cohort -Eligible for Support, 5% of schools A+ Model during transition -Indicators of Effective Practice documented in KansaStar -No requirements around the number of indicators (remember what Title I says) -The System is the System
Purpose and Requirements of Title I Ensure that all children have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic standards. Plan and Implement 1 active Indicator in each of the five areas Leadership and Decision Making Curriculum, Assessment, and Instructional Planning Classroom Instruction, Parent School and Community Tiered Systems The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was passed in December 2015 by both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. The President signed the bill a few days later. It is important to understand that ESSA will change some regulations, remove some regulations, and add new regulations to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which is already in place. However, ESSA leaves most of the current ESEA law intact. -Schoolwide- all schools will be in the online system within the next 5-7 years. -If working in KansaStar for CSI, your school improvement plan becomes your Title I plan, as well. -Assurances and oversight
Purpose and Requirements of KESA The systems approach gives districts the leverage to address systemic issues by identifying the underlying causes and then implement structures and behaviors necessary to effect sustainable change across the district. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I5YvLm5KXI On Tuesday, June 14, 2016, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to approve KESA as the new K-12 accreditation model for Kansas.
Purpose and Requirements of KESA Create Leadership Teams Needs Assessment Set Goals Action Plan Document Your Work Implementation Analyze Results Outside Validation Team
KESA Title I Layers of Support CSI Few: Eligible for CSI from KLN Some: Title I Federal requirements All: District level accreditation for Kansas public schools
Indicators of Effective Practice Leadership and Decision-Making Establishing a team structure with specific duties and time for instructional planning. Accreditation **42 A leadership team consisting of the principal, teachers who lead the Instructional Teams, and other key professional staff meets regularly (twice a month or more for an hour each meeting.) Relationships Responsive Culture Rigor EC 10 All teachers (including pre-K (birth) teachers in schools with pre-K (birth)programs) are part of a team that includes other teachers, an instructional leader, and related service personnel that assesses needs for services and referrals for services. Relevance SpEd 2407 Teams of special educators, general education teachers, and related service providers meet regularly to enhance/unify instructional planning and program implementation for students with disabilities. **43 The Leadership team serves as a conduit of communication to the faculty and staff. **45 The school’s leadership team regularly looks at school performance data and aggregated classroom observation data and uses that data to make decisions about school improvement and professional development needs. **46 Teachers are organized into grade-level, grade-level cluster, or subject-area Instructional teams Show all indicator from Word Document Aligned I partnership with Salina Public Schools and KSDE Approved by Teacher Licensure and Accreditation Share information about new indicators **Foundational Indicators
KESA CSI Alignment of Work Title I Needs Assessment Relationships, Relevance, Responsive Culture, Rigor Root-Cause Analysis Align With Other Initiatives and Other Supports Set Goals Indicators of Effective Practice District Level Plans School Level Plans Implementation Documenting Work Build Capacity Results and Outcomes Data and Evidence Sustainability KESA Title I CSI Talk with someone next to you…. Which items fit together? Which items cover two or more requirements? How could you work to not duplicate efforts in a systematic way?
Questions Comprehensive Support and Improvement Michele Hayes Kansas Learning Network michele.hayes@klnemail.org Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA) Kelly Slaton KSDE kslaton@ksde.org Title I Doug Boline dboline@ksde.org www.indistar.org Login: school Password: school What questions might you have? Allow time for Q&A, show the KESA webpage and Indistar webpage for future reference Share the hyperlinks