What is Good Assessment? Department of Housing and Residence Life Katie Weichelt, Assessment Program Assistant Peter Rejto, Assistant Director of Assessment, Housing and Residence Life February 28, 2017
Introduction University Housing and Residence Life promotes student learning and success through engagement in diverse educational and social experiences, and supports residents by providing well-maintained, safe, and affordable communities. Learning Outcomes (2 of 8): Students will demonstrate wellness in their personal lives. Students will use critical thinking to effectively solve problems.
Current Learning Outcomes Students will be engaged citizens showing individual and social responsibility Students will respect differences. Students will develop and maintain meaningful relationships Students will demonstrate wellness in their personal lives. Students will demonstrate wellness in their academic lives. Students will effectively communicate with others. Students will use critical thinking to effectively solve problems.
Instruments Surveys (Annual Satisfaction Survey; RHA/NRHH Survey, Employee Survey) Pros: Efficient way to assess large groups of students Cons: Reliance on self-reported data Hall Director Reports Pros: Not self-reported data, more observation of learning Cons: Not systematic, reporting filtered through resident assistants and hall directors
Initial Results Housing Satisfaction Survey: Critical Thinking Outcome: 61.6% of students engaged in activities that made them critically examine their own perspectives. 70.5% of students reported opportunities to use and develop critical thinking skills in the halls. Personal Wellness Outcome: 90.7% of students report feeling physically safe in their hall. 75.3% of students reported an increased autonomy in basic life skills (laundry, cooking, etc.)
Year in Transition Moving from eight learning outcomes to four. Reasons: Streamline the learning outcomes. Align with UWEC Guidepost Goals. More measurable outcomes. Moving from program-based model in residence halls to interaction-based model. Changes to staffing.
Proposed New Learning Outcomes Students will demonstrate wellness in their academic lives. Students identify and utilize academically related on-campus resources as appropriate Students effectively manage their time and commitments. Students display an understanding of degree requirements to graduate in a timely manner. Students seek or create opportunities to create strong learning environments in the residence halls. Students will respect differences. Students seek to understand viewpoints of others and appreciate the value of other world views. Students will engage in activities different from their cultural upbringing. Students will engage in discussion around sensitive issues with respect. Students will work to create an inclusive and environment for all. Students will be engaged citizens and residents. Students participate in the development and maintenance of their communities. Students participate in opportunities that develop leadership skills. Students will comply with community standards. Students participate in learning opportunities beyond the classroom. Students will demonstrate wellness in their personal lives. Students demonstrate an understanding of balance between education, work, and leisure time. Students manage emotions appropriately. Students recognize the importance of wellness in achieving academic goals. Students increase autonomy in basic life skills (laundry, cleaning, cooking, hygiene, etc,).
Year in Transition Plans for Assessing New Learning Outcomes: Still rely on surveys, such as annual satisfaction survey Incorporate more instances of imbedded assessment Greater reliance on objective data and measures (ex. GPA, HIP participation, Retention rates of on-campus v. off-campus residents).
Plans for the Future Through these new learning outcomes, we hope to: Make closing the loop much easier. Establish clear metrics and goals to meet each year. Create assessment plan that is easily understood and implemented in changing environment.