FOUNDATIONAL BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES The fundamental, empowering, enduring, supra-cultural, essential, Biblical truths that serve as the essential foundation for the building of a healthy church Community. God’s Kingdom will grow automatically as these principles are lived out in the life of our church. Methods are many; God’s Principles are few. Methods may change, but God’s Principles never do! Empowering Servant Leadership Every member ministry Prayerful Passionate Spirituality Flexible functional structures Inspiring worship services Holistic Cell Groups Loving inclusive relationships Relational Christ-centred evangelism
THE SETTING The general attitude towards the church. People have given up on the church, they haven't given up on God. People are more selective today. They are more mobile, very selective, less loyal. The church must be seen to be relevant. People are ill informed, therefore the church is able to surprise! Ignorance People are biblically illiterate. Pluralistic Society.
SOME OBSERVATIONS 90% of those who come to Christ because of a significant relationship with a Christian. Most people respond to Christ as young people. Your church will not be effective in reaching people for Christ unless you and your leadership are.... committed to evangelism committed to equipping your church. Eph. 4:11,12 The apologetic lifestyle approach to evangelism is biblically sound and culturally relevant. (1 Peter 3:15,16; Acts 17:2,3,10-13,16.)
SOME BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES Preach with an evangelistic emphasis Peter - Acts 2 Paul - Acts 17 - Persuade The Evangelism needs to be Christ Centred Acts 5:42. -e.g. the Christ-o-centric apologetic approach.
SOME BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES Every Believer Evangelism. The example of the early church (Acts 8:4,5) The Command (1 Peter 2:8,9) The Cost (Luke 9:23; 1 Cor.9.) Evangelism must be seen as a process
SOME BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES Your church must have a sense of mission Missions Team / Outreach Team The church must be committed to Prayer Acts 4.; 2Cor 4:4, 10:4 The church at Worship is a great evangelistic medium Gentile Court
SOME PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS Training in Relational Evangelism is a must To remove fear, ignorance and deal with indifference To equip every believer in evangelism To conserve the fruit - Discipleship Change your church structure to enable free nights for evangelism Style of service needs to be relevant