Hope 2008 Still work in Progress Although the strapline is not shown The whole Church The Whole Nation The Whole Year
Imagine ... Imagine all over the country in communities large and small, churches working together, bringing Jesus’ story alive through word and action
Since 2008 Theos* researched the success of HOPE 08 The church reviewed and said we need more help to embed mission Many communities have continued mission in word and action * Theos report see www.hopetogether.org.uk You can download the report from the resources tab The model is built on mostly urban Missions, but we plan to ensure that small villages can take part Hope is built on a conversation in a field The year 2008 takes away the option to prevaricate Hope is a catalyst
What is HOPE? ‘HOPE’ is recognised as a catalyst ‘HOPE’ will continue to encourage, support and resource the Church God blesses ‘local mission together’ Psalm 133 John17 v 20-23 The challenge is to ensure bottom up Words and Actions are in Tension Where prayer has prepared the ground there is clear evidence of success New indicators of cooperation
What is HOPE? ‘HOPE’ is grass roots supporting churches to engage with communities ‘HOPE’ is ‘words and actions’. ‘HOPE’ has prayer at the centre. ‘HOPE’ will facilitate partnership between local churches (of all traditions) and ministries. The challenge is to ensure bottom up Words and Actions are in Tension Where prayer has prepared the ground there is clear evidence of success New indicators of cooperation
What is HOPE? ‘HOPE’ will work with public sector organisations (police, local/national govt). ‘HOPE’ is for the whole Church ‘HOPE’ will build on the Christian Calendar from 2011 - 2014 ACPO have already indicated their support along with some Ministers Youth Agendas empowered where appropriate Scale of the initiative avoids the risk of one size fitting all
What is HOPE? High Points of Activity, building year by year 2011 Easter 2012 Easter & Harvest 2013 Easter, Harvest, Christmas & Fun Days 2014 the whole church a whole year of mission Church together in the Community Working groups are currently developing plans
What does HOPE involve? Prayer at the heart Training, Equipping & Resources City and Summer Missions / Fun Days Festivals and Conferences No one location or community could acheieve the whole plan Enables the whole Church
Our vision is to see ... ‘HOPE’ Churches all over the country ‘HOPE’ Practitioners supporting the churches 2,500 Villages, Towns or Cities committed by 2014 The building block is the local Church Several cities are already committed Many people are working at a local level There is also a developing regional network
Further Information phone : 01788 542782 email : info@hopetogether.org.uk goto : www.hopetogether.org.uk The building block is the local Church Several cities are already committed Many people are working at a local level There is also a developing regional network
Do more together, in word and action