Unit 5 The Judicial Branch
Bell Ringer #6 for 3-14/15-16 “Our Constitution was not written in the sands to be washed away by each wave of new judges blown in by each successive political wind.” Justice Hugo Black 1970. Agree or Disagree. Why? What is the role of the Supreme Court?
Pre Test over the Judicial Branch? Video 12 Angry Men and Video Guide. The SWBAT understand will learn about the establishment and functions of the judicial branch of government 3-14/15-16 Bell Ringer Pre Test over the Judicial Branch? Video 12 Angry Men and Video Guide.
Bell Ringer #7 for 3-16/17-16 Some people feel the press “acts like a fourth branch of government,” since it can sort of check and balance the other three. Do you agree or disagree with this? Why? Write down a couple of examples? Discussion.
3-16/17-16 Bell Ringer #7 Video 12 Angry Men and Video guide. The SWBAT understand will learn about the establishment and functions of the judicial branch of government by watching a video about the court system and analyzing it critically. 12 Angry men. 3-16/17-16 Bell Ringer #7 Video 12 Angry Men and Video guide.
Bell Ringer #8 and #9 for 3-18/28-16 #8. What is the difference between a Civil Court Case and a Criminal Court case? Give examples #9. What did the movie 12 Angry Men say about human nature?
The SWBAT understand will learn about the establishment and functions of the judicial branch of government 3-18-28-16 Bell Ringer #9 (Check Bell Ringers today) 45 points worth) Video 12 Angry Men and video guide. Make sure all make up work is complete. Pre test over Judicial Branch
Bell Ringer #1 for 3-29/30-16 Try to answer the following scenario.
Scenario What about this? Joe gets drunk in San Francisco, drives to Las Vegas, stops to make an obscene gesture to a Federal Senator, and then he is arrested, still under the influence. Who gets Joe, the Feds or Las Vegas Police? Why?
Answer: The locals. His driving across the state line drunk has no national significance to the Feds. He did not threaten the Senator, and has a right to free speech, so his only offense is local drunk driving.
The SWBAT understand the federal court system 3-29-30-16 Bell Ringer #1 Federal Court System notes for unit 5 Federal court system video clip
Bell Ringer #2 for 3-31 and 4-1 What is one thing in the current legal system that you would like to see changed or added? Why would this make society better?
Chapter 19 notes. What are Civil Liberties? The SWBAT understand the terminology and how the different areas of the Judicial Branch works especially dealing with Civil Liberties. 3-31/4-1/16 Bell Ringer #2 Chapter 19 notes. What are Civil Liberties? Video clip over Civil Liberties Study guide for Judicial Branch unit
Bell Ringer #3 for 4-4/5-16 Learning outcomes. Number your paper from 1-10.
The SWBAT understand some major court cases that have affected our Judicial Branch starting with Miranda vs. Az. 4-4/5-16 Bell Ringer #3/Learning outcomes Review (quiz over chapter 18 and 19 next class) Miranda vs. AZ. Video clip Read Miranda vs. Az article and answer questions Finish study guide and any work not completed
Bell Ringer #4 for 4-6/7-16 How did Miranda vs. Arizona affect our Judicial System? What are some other court cases that have affected our justice system?
The SWBAT understand some major court cases that have affected our Judicial Branch 4-6/7-16 Bell Ringer #4 Go over/review chapter 19 terms. Quiz Supreme Court Cases
Bell Ringer #5 for 4-8/11-16 Pick a controversial topic from CNN Student News and state how you feel about it and why?
The SWBAT better understand the Judicial Branch by watching Gideon’s Trumpet CNN Student News Bell Ringer #5 Time to work on Plessey vs. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education court cases and complete any other work not done. Gideon’s Trumpet and video guide
Bell Ringer #6 for 4-13/14-16 Do you have complete 1st amendment rights while in school? Why or why not?
The SWBAT better understand their civil liberties and protecting individual rights. 4-13/14-16 Bell Ringer #6 Chapter 20 notes (half of them) Video and video guide
Bell Ringer #7 for 4-15/18-16 What do you feel is cruel and unusual punishment?
The SWBAT better understand their civil liberties and protecting individual rights. 4-15/18-16 Bell Ringer #7 The rest of chapter 20 notes Finish video and video guide Chapter 19-21 study guide
Bell Ringer #8 for 4-19/20-16 Define Affirmative action. You can look it up on your phone, or the answer is in the book. Write up for discussion. In your opinion what are the good things and the bad things about affirmative action? Why? Discuss with the class.
The SWBAT understand the process of why you are allowed an attorney by examining the court case against Clarence Gideon. 4-19/20-16 Bell Ringer #8 Chapter 19-21 study guide: Work on this for 15-20 minutes Video Gideon’s Trumpet and video guide Any other work from this unit needs to be completed this week.
Bell Ringer #9 for 4-21/22-16 Define the following terms in you own words. Do not look them up. Chapter 21 sort of focuses on these things and the history of segregation in America. Minority Prejudice Racism Discrimination Reverse discrimination
The SWBAT continue to gain knowledge on some of the major court cases in America that changed our legal system. 4-21/22-16 Bell Ringer #9 Plessey vs. Ferguson and Marbury vs. Madison reading and ½ page write up on each case. Work with a partner creating a poster for each of the 6 court cases we have studied in the class. Best poster does not have to do part of the quiz we will take next week. We need to make sure we finish Gideon’s Trumpet and video guide.