Christian Rusby CC1355B 206.529.6127 NSCC Sustainability Christian Rusby CC1355B 206.529.6127 Biking in the Netherlands
Biking in the Netherlands Curious Stereotypes of the Netherlands
Biking in the Netherlands 1960’s Traffic Congestion after paving over canals
Biking in the Netherlands Curious facts of the Netherlands Nearly 85 percent of the population own at least one bicycle. They use it regularly, often daily. There are about 16 million bicycles in Holland, slightly more than one for every inhabitant. About 1.3 million new bicycles are sold every year.
Sustainable Energy The Netherlands Groningen, NL Population:16,800,000 University Students: 50,000
Biking in the Netherlands
Biking in the Netherlands Bike Commuting
Biking in the Netherlands Bike Parking
Biking in the Netherlands Bike Signals and Lanes
Biking in the Netherlands Dutch Bikes
Biking in the Netherlands Kids on Dutch Bikes
Biking in the Netherlands Kids on Dutch Bikes