Introduction to Malawi REDD+ Process and Outlook William Chadza & Dalitso Kafumbata 29th April 2015
Some Facts on Malawi (1) Malawi is in the REDD+ Readiness Phase; The Readiness Phase is getting support from GoM, USAID, USFS and UN- REDD; DoF is the National REDD+ Focal Point;
Some Facts on Malawi (2) The pursuit of REDD+ is in line with GoM’s medium term national development strategies - MGDS II priorities; Revision of Forestry Policy and development of Climate Change Policy are considering inclusion of REDD+ as a strategy for mitigation; and Malawi’s efforts related to REDD+ date back to 2006 – DoF, FRIM, LEAD SEA initiatives.
Overview of Malawi REDD+ Process Designation of National REDD+ Focal Point Institutionalization of management arrangements Visioning and Goal setting Study tours Commissioning of studies Development of 5-year Action Plan Commissioning of additional studies Site-based implementation (PERFORM) Development of National Road Map to Strategy Development of National Strategy Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation
Progress to date (1) Institutionalization of management arrangements – DoF is National REDD+ Secretariat; Finalized work plan for Malawi’s pursuit of REDD+ readiness and development of a REDD+ Strategy; - comprehensive work plan identifies and prioritizes 35 action items Development of draft Malawi REDD+ Program Action Plan 2014 – 2019;
Progress to date (2) Awareness building on policy, science and technical aspects of REDD+; Capacity building of DoF and other institutions in REDD+: - in-county study tours; - study tours to Tanzania and Zambia; and - Participation in SADC/GIZ REDD+ MRV Project
Progress to date (3) Design and operationalization of a national REDD+ institutional management structure; - REDD+ Expert Group; - Governance & Policy TWG; - Science & Technology TWG; and - Communication & Awareness TWG. Multi-stakeholder composition of structure: - Government departments; - Civil society, Development partners; and - Research, Academia and Private sector.
Progress to date (4) Development of integrated MRV system; National Forest Inventory design; GIS capacity assessment and roadmap; Land Use Land Cover standards development; Above and below ground carbon measurement assessment;
Progress to date (5) Development of Vision, Goal and Principles: Goal: Malawi will reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by at least X% and attain forest over of at least Y% by 1st Jan 2030, contributing to enhanced ecosystems, improved livelihoods and sustainable economic growth
Progress to date (6) Participation in Pan – African Dialogue for civil society on REDD+ related issues; Initiating linkages and collaboration with civil society organizations engaged in REDD+ processes in the region; Attending 3 UN-REDD Policy Board meetings;
Progress to date (7) Attainment of partnership status with UN- REDD Program in March 2014; and Accessing financial and technical support from UN-REDD for Country Needs Assessment and Targeted Support.
Challenges and Lessons (1) Prerequisite activities before moving into full implementation of REDD+: - could potentially lead to fatigue amongst stakeholders; and - integrate implementation of pilot sites in planning. Gaps and grey areas in institutional, policy, governance, resource tenure and technical domains for REDD+ actions: - undertake studies and provide adequate time for awareness to address concerns.
Challenges and Lessons (2) Levels of knowledge and capacity affect effective stakeholder participation: - include other stakeholders in awareness and capacity building. Importance of country driven ownership processes and stakeholder engagement: - inclusive processes key in designing REDD+ processes.
So where do we go from here … Undertake Country Needs Assessment and implement Targeted Support actions; Enhance REDD+ outreach and policy dialogue;
So where do we go from here … Development of National REDD+ Strategy; and Initiate local REDD+ projects to demonstrate results and draw lessons.
Thank You