The War of 1812 Week 9 Notes: SOL 6b & c
Causes of the War of 1812 During the Napoleonic Wars, Jefferson and Madison wanted to adhered to Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation. They did not want to choose a side (British or French) in the conflict. The British believed the United States should ally with them because of the history of being a former colony. The French believed the United States should ally with them because of the 1778 Alliance with France during the American Revolution, leading to America winning the war and independence. The British impressed American sailors into their navy. The French attacked and pirated American ships for supplies. Jefferson enacted the Embargo Act in 1807 to maintain American neutrality in the Napoleonic Wars, which was unpopular among New England merchants, leading to his choosing not to run for re-election in 1808.
James Madison James Madison, a Democratic- Republican, also wanted to maintain neutrality, but he also promised to end the Embargo Act. He was elected in 1808, and found it impossible to stay neutral.
The War of 1812 The second war with Britain had lasting political and economic consequences as American nationalism and economic production greatly increased. British interference with American shipping and the American desire for western expansionism fueled the call for a declaration of war. Phase 1: Great Lakes
Later Phases Phase 2: Burning of Washington D.C. & Battle of Baltimore New England Federalists, in opposition to Madison’s war resolution and to the war effort, met at the Hartford Convention and discussed secession. Phase 3: Battle of New Orleans Treaty of Ghent ends the Napoleonic Wars
Results for the War of 1812 Following the outcomes of the War of 1812, the Federalists were viewed as unpatriotic and treasonous, which ultimately led to the demise of the political party. With the Federalist party dead there is again only one political party. The war led to thousands of enslaved African Americans escaping from their owners to British forces in return for the promise of their freedom. As a result, the United States enhanced American efforts to prevent future foreign invasions (e.g., Fort Monroe). Andrew Jackson becomes a war hero
New Territories U.S. claims the Oregon territory U.S. buys Florida from Spain, with the Adams- Onis treaty in 1818.
Economic impact of the War of 1812 Henry Clay creates the idea of the American System to integrate regional economies in order to better compete with the Europeans. Transportation National Bank Protective tariff
The Market Revolution A market revolution emerged following the War of 1812, which transformed the American economy through transportation improvements in canals and railroads agricultural improvements such as the cotton gin and mechanical reaper industrial innovations, including textile mills communication improvements, including the telegraph. Many of these internal improvements were funded by tariffs through the American System.