Exploring processes and deviations


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring processes and deviations Sander Leemans Dirk Fahland Wil van der Aalst

Process mining event log ? model Sander Leemans

Quality criteria Fitness Precision Generalisation Simplicity event log discover set scope evaluate model Generalisation Simplicity Sander Leemans

Exploration event log set scope discover model evaluate perspective filters abstraction α ILP IM proprietary set scope model discover evaluate token replay alignment proprietary Sander Leemans

Outline Sander Leemans

Existing tools commercial academic Perceptive Reflect Fluxicon Disco Celonis Discovery academic ILP / α / ETM IM / IMi / IMin PNReplayer Sander Leemans

Notation Notation Concurrency Sander Leemans

Ease of use Notation Concurrency Ease of use Sander Leemans

Semantics Notation Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluate Predict Concurrency Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluate Predict Audit Optimise … (BPM) Semantics Soundness Sander Leemans

Evaluation 0,8 Model level Notation Ease of use Semantics/soundness Concurrency Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation model level activity level event level Activity level Event level Sander Leemans

Filters Notation Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation Filters Concurrency Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation model level activity level event level Filters Activities starting with A_/O_/W_ Activities occurring in 80% of the traces Completed traces only Add artificial start events Remove unnecessary transitions Activities starting with either A_ or W_ Remove activities that follow another within seconds Traces that executed an activity Filter parallel activities Remove outlier-long activities Determine standard trace flow Activities executed by resource X Include life cycle transition Sander Leemans

Outline Inductive visual Miner Sander Leemans

Demo teaser Sander Leemans

Inductive visual Miner Apply filters set scope Discover model Inductive Miner - infrequent discover Replay Alignments evaluate Animate/enrich Sander Leemans

Outline Inductive visual Miner Sander Leemans

Inductive visual Miner Notation Concurrency Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation model level activity level event level Filters Apply filters Discover model Inductive Miner - infrequent Replay Alignment Animate/enrich Sander Leemans

Notation d e a b c Notation Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation + a b c Notation Concurrency Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation model level activity level event level Filters Sander Leemans

Activity evaluation a Notation Ease of use Semantics/soundness B D E Notation Concurrency Ease of use Semantics/soundness Evaluation model level activity level event level Filters b c Q A C Q D E + d e + Sander Leemans

Event evaluation a Notation Speed Semantics/soundness Evaluation A B D E Notation Concurrency Speed Semantics/soundness Evaluation model level activity level event level Filters b c A C Q D E + d e + Sander Leemans

Take-home messages We can have both! Vendors: please consider Academic Flexible Semantics/soundness Commercial Ease of use Notation Filters Animation We can have both! (for free) Vendors: please consider semantics + soundness Sander Leemans

Future work Improve discovery techniques Plug-in other academic techniques Plug-in filters Model level evaluation ( ) Sander Leemans

? Sander Leemans