Natural Vegetation: The naturally growing plant cover; without human aid; is called natural vegetation. The vegetation which has been left undisturbed by humans for a long time is called virgin vegetation Flora: Plant species of a particular region or period are called flora. Fauna: The animal species of a particular region or period are called fauna
Land sometimes referred to as dry land, is the solid surface of the Earth that is not permanently covered by water.[1] The vast majority of human activity occurs in land areas that support agriculture, habitat, and various natural resources
Soil Different types of soil are fit for different types of vegetation. For example; sandy soil is fit for cactus and thorny bushes, while wet and marshy soil is fit for mangrove vegetation. The Soil also vary over space. Different types of soil provide basis for different types of vegetation the sandy soils of the desert support cactus and thorny bushes of the while wet marshy , deltaic soil
Temperature and Humidity: Temperature and humidity are the main factors which determine the character and extent of vegetation. An area with high temperature and high humidity supports evergreen forest, while an area with high temperature and low humidity supports thorny bushes.
Photoperiod (Sunlight) The duration of sunlight is called photoperiod. Photoperiod depends on latitude, altitude, season and duration of the day. Trees grow faster in summer because of longer photoperiod.
Precipitation If an area gets heavy rainfall, it is suitable for the growth of dense vegetation. On the other hand, an area with scanty rainfall is suitable for thorny bushes
Ecosystem All the plants and animals in an area are interdependent on each other. The plants and animals; Along with their physical environment make the ecosystem. A very large ecosystem is called a biome. Biomes are identified on the basis of plants.
Area in percent of forest
Types of vegetation There are five major types of vegetation in India: Tropical Rainforests. Tropical Deciduous Forests. Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs. Montane Forests Mangrove Forests.
Tropical Rainforests. The tropical rainforests are confined to areas of heavy rainfall. Such areas are in the Western Ghats, upper parts of Assam, Tamil Nadu coast and the island groups of Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar. Areas which receive more 200 cm of rainfall and have a short dry season are the best area for tropical rainforest. Almost all kinds of vegetation; like trees, shrubs and creepers; are found in such a forest. The forest has a multilayered structure. Ebony, mahogany, rosewood, rubber and cinchona are some of the commercially important trees of tropical rainforests.
Tropical Deciduous Forests. Tropical deciduous forests are the most widespread forests of India. They are spread in those regions which get rainfall between 200 cm and 70 cm. They are also called the monsoon forests. The trees of tropical deciduous rainforests shed their leaves during summer. These forests can be divided into two types on the basis of availability of water.
Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs Thorn forests grow in those regions which receive less than 70 cm of rainfall. This type of vegetation is found in the north-western part of India, e.g. Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. The main plant species in such a forest are acacia, palms, euphorbias and cactus. The trees are scattered and they have long roots which go very deep in the ground. The stems are succulent to conserve water. Leaves are usually modified into thorns to prevent evaporation. Camel, rats, mice, rabbits, fox, wolf, tiger, lion, wild ass, horse, etc. are the common animals in thorny forests
Mangrove Forests Mangrove forests are found in the deltas of the Ganga, the Mahanadi, the Krishna, the Godavarai and the Kaveri. Roots of the mangrove plants are submerged under water. Hollow roots grow out vertically above water so that roots can breathe. Sundari tree is the most common tree in such forests; especially in the Sunderban Delta. Royal Bengal Tiger is the most famous animal of these forests. Additionally, turtles, crocodiles, gharials and snakes are found in these forests
In India states cover with forest
Wild life
Wild life information There are more than 90,000 animal species in India. There are more than 2000 species of birds in India. there are 2,000 nearly 5 and 8 percent of the world’s amphibians , reptiles and mammals Elephants are found in the hot wet forests of Assam, Karnataka and Kerala. One-horned rhinos are found in the swampy and marshy lands of Assam and West Bengal.
Wildlife sanctuaries
National parks
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