The CAMS Policy products Laurence ROUÏL (INERIS) with contributions from, TNO and NILU
Policy products : what for? To support implementation of the EU air quality legislation which requires Air pollution assessments maps (exposure indicators) Evaluation of the contribution of natural sources in air pollution episodes Quantitative analysis of the sources of air pollution To help European and national policy makers in decision making and management (air pollution episodes, longer term objectives) Evaluation of the main drivers of air pollution episodes: regional versus local, impact of various activity sectors To inform the public
CAMS policy services (CAMS-71) Provision of yearly Air quality assessment reports for Europe Daily provision of informative maps presenting the impact of emission reduction scenarios on ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter concentrations (“green scenarios”) Daily analysis of the contribution regional and local sources to air pollution episodes (“source-receptor contributions”) Dedicated website for easy access to the products and information for the users Annual policy user workshops to present the products, and discuss with users how to improve them 1st workshop will be organized in October-November 2016 in Brussels
Yearly assessment reports Use of regional Ensemble re-analyses produced by CAMS (data available on Analysis and interpretation of air quality indicators in Europe Interim assessment report based on « interim » observation data reported by the Member States to the EEA on a daily basis (NILU) Available at the beginning of each year for the previous year Focus on episodes that occurred during the year (including natural) The 2015 interim assessment report available by the 30Th July 2016 European assessment report based official validated data reported by the Member states (INERIS) Report for year Y available in summer of year Y+2 The 2014 assessment report available in fall 2016
Forecasted Emission reduction scenarios (INERIS- TNO) Daily forecasts of the impact of emission reduction scenarios PM10 daily average Short-term scenarios database - regulatory scenarios (NEC) - Assumptions on traffic, industry, agriculture and residential heating sectors Adjusted CAMS emission Inventory 10 scenarios will be available in September Any requests ? CHIMERE model runs
Source-receptor calculations ( –TNO) Quantification of local versus transboundary air pollution in European cities based on daily EMEP and LOTOS-EUROS models forecasts (time series) Country to country analysis on demand when episodes occur
2016 Agenda Publication of the interim 2015 assessment report for air quality in Europe in July 2016 New CAMS policy website available in September 2016 Publication of the first CAMS policy services newsletter in September 2016 Publication of the 2014 assessment report by the end of October 2016 1st CAMS policy users workshop: October-November 2016 in Brussels