Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord Psalm 95
Probably written by David – Heb. 4:7 A psalm of worship and praise Sing to the Lord Psalm 95 Probably written by David – Heb. 4:7 A psalm of worship and praise
Sing to the Lord (1-2) “Oh come” – an invitation to assemble – Psa. 122:1, 84:1, etc. Let us sing to the Lord – Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19, 1 Cor. 14:15 - congregational
Sing to the Lord (1-2) Joyful praise (1 & 2) “shout joyfully to the Rock of our Salvation Singing with joy - Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19, cf. Jas. 5:13 Joyful singing is not a “prop”, but from the heart!
Sing to the Lord (1-2) In His presence with thanksgiving – Heb. 13:15, Eph. 5:20 Gratitude for all He has done!
The Lord is the Great God(3-5) The “Great God” – 2 Pet. 3:5-7, Eph. 4:5 Above all gods – cf. Isa. 44:8-20, 1 Cor. 8:4-6 In His hands are the deep places – Job. 38:4, 8-11
Worship and bow down (6-7a) To “bow down” involves: Humility – Lk. 18:13, , Jas. 4:10, 1 Pet. 5:5-6 Reverence – Heb. 12:28-29 He is OUR God – personal 1 Cor. 6:19-20, 1 Jn. 4:15-16, Jn. 14:23
We are His people (7b-11) His “pasture” – a frequent description – Psa. 23 We to are His sheep – John 10:1-15, 1 Pet. 5:4, Heb. 13:20 The church - Acts 20:28-29, 1 Pet. 5:2-3
We are His people (7b-11) “Today if you will hear His voice” – Heed His call (to worship, etc.) LEARN from the example of Israel! Days of rebellion – Massah and Meribah, Num. 20:1-13, Ex. 17:7
We are His people (7b-11) LEARN from Israel! Tested God in the wilderness – as a child tests a parent Even though they saw His work – over and over For 40 years they grieved Him
We are His people (7b-11) LEARN from Israel! They go astray in their hearts and do not know “My ways” “So I swore in My wrath, they shall not enter My rest” – Num. 14:28-30 (Joshua and Caleb the exception)
We are His people (7b-11) This Psalm – Heb. 3-4 Hebrews written to encourage Christians to remain faithful to Christ. Moses faithful (Heb. 3:1-6), so was Christ
We are His people (7b-11) Heb. 3:7-11 quotes Psa. 95:7-11 Heb. 3:12 Beware lest there be in you a heart of unbelief Exhort one another “today” Heb. 3:13 Steadfast to the end – Heb. 3:14
We are His people (7b-11) Heb. 4:1-10 – the promise of OUR rest, but we TOO can lose it (as did Israel)
We are His people (7b-11) Application: A psalm of worship! An call to worship God as He instructs us. This includes assembling – Heb. 10:24-25. Note the warning if we reject that call (vs. 26-31)
Is our worship true and joyful? Sing to the Lord Psalm 95 Is our worship true and joyful?