Clinical Scientist, Philips Healthcare, Germany: CT imaging and its post-processing in trauma, bone, orthopedic, liver and pulmonary; Jan 2008 – successful completion of road map and ongoing R&D implementation
Clinical Scientist, Philips Healthcare, Germany: trauma, bone, orthopedic, liver and cardiac CT; Jan 2008 – established scientific programs with three renowned university hospitals
Marketing&Sales Manager, Mindways Software Inc Marketing&Sales Manager, Mindways Software Inc., Germany: clinical software for bone densitometry and structure; Jul 2007 – Jan 2008 Achievements: a.) negotiation and finalization of one new key distributor, b.) new profitable sales and after-sales activities in Europe, c.) consultation for headquarters in the development of new software
Marketing&Sales Manager, Vivoxid Ltd Marketing&Sales Manager, Vivoxid Ltd.: biomaterials for orthopedic surgery; Apr 2006 – Jun 2007 a.) negotiation with two new key distributors b.) created and implemented worldwide sales and marketing strategy
Entrepreneur, Bioverk Oy, Finland: medical devices; Nov 2004 – Dez 2006 a.) exclusive medical device distribution b.) two launches of medical devices in Finland
CEO, Bonalyse Ltd., Finland: research software for bone densitometry and structure; Jun 2003 – Oct 2004 a.) prepared financing rounds b.) successfully established operative management
Business Intelligence Manager, Schering Oy, Finland: drug delivery; Aug 2001 – Jun 2003 a.) successful project valuation modelling for a cooperation with big pharma, b.) competitive analysis
Product Manager, Datex-Ohmeda (GE Healthcare): Patient monitoring; Feb 1998 – Jun 2000 a.) Clinical requirements for new-generation Anesthesia &Critical Care central monitoring b.) successful planning and implementation of product launch and its marketing
Clinical trainer, Datex-Ohmeda (GE Healthcare): Patient monitoring; Jun 1995 – Jan 1997 planned and executed clinical training events in anesthesia monitoring
Hobby: valuation of early-stage medical device companies a.) other value drivers than benchmarks and market intelligence b.) comprehensive valuation requires deep knowledge of the medical device business and of discounted cash flow models