KS3 Assembly
How many jobs can you think of How many jobs can you think of? Pair with a friend and keep track of how many This PowerPoint is designed to cover the KS3 aims of the CDI Framework for Careers, Employability and Enterprise Investigating jobs and labour market information - be aware of what labour market information (LMI) is and how it can be useful to you The CDI framework can be downloaded from this link http://www.thecdi.net/New-Careers-Framework-2015 NOTES You might ask pupils to bring a pen and paper and write a list or you may just ask them to keep count. Ask pupils to keep their hands up if they thought of more than 5, then 10, then 20 until the last person puts their hand down
Did you think of these? Holographic Avatar Designer Green career coach Space tour guide Human body part farmer Virtual habitat designer Space junk recycler These are possible jobs of the future, they don’t actually exist yet but may do. More jobs are created as our world changes Digital nail technician Asteroid mining engineer
10 years ago these jobs didn’t exist Fracking consultant Cloud computing professionals App developer Sustainability engineer Vlogger These are fairly new jobs that have come into being since you were born Make reference to the social media manager as this will link to the next slide Driverless car engineer Uber driver Social media manager
By the time you are 25, some jobs might not exist anymore… Milkman Postal worker Librarian Retail cashier Social Media Manager And these may no longer exist in 10 or so years… Oh hang on Social media manager was on the last slide... Some jobs come and go very quickly. Taxi despatcher Travel agent
Some jobs robots will replace Pharmacist Sport or news reporter Drivers Paralegal Astronaut The low skill jobs like manufacturing and cashier will go quickly but even some very skilled jobs such as lawyers and paralegals and pharmacists may be overtaken. They even have computer programmes that write newspaper reports from internet information streams… Warehouse person Image via wiki commons
So will I be able to get a job? It will be harder/different More people are now self employed More people work several part time jobs More people now have short term contracts You will need to concentrate on transferrable skills Communication Computing Numeracy Team working Adaptability Problem solving Don’t get too disheartened. Reality check now allows you to prepare.
Take every opportunity Every interaction you have with business improves your chances of making successful transitions from school to work Research has shown that pupils who have 4 or more good quality interactions with business have a much lower chance of becoming NEET (Not in education, employment or training) info on the research can be found in this link http://www.educationandemployers.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/media_release_neets_-_02.02.2012_final.pdf