U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Tenmast Conference Event Uniform Physical Condition Standards for Vouchers (UPCS-V) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT October 13, 2017
Part 1: Overview of UPCS-V Donald “DJ” La Voy Deputy Assistant Secretary REAC Kevin Portanova Deputy Director REAC IT
Agenda Root Cause for Change Introduction to UPCS-V Pilot Program UPCS-V Inspection Application Demo Voucher Electronic Data Gathering Application - VEDGA – Exchange Portal Stakeholder Collaboration
Root Cause for Change Senate Report FY16 on HQS: “…directs HUD to implement a single inspection protocol for public housing and voucher units…” “HUD's housing quality standards should effectively protect the health and safety of public housing and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) residents…standards for the HCV program remain outdated and do not reflect recent research on health and safety threats in the home.”
Root Cause for Change (continued) 2014: REAC completed 27,000 QC inspections Inconsistency pervasive throughout Housing Quality Standards (HQS) process HQS not accommodating of an electronic data model QC under HQS is resource intensive; unable to realize efficiencies of scale or technology 2008: HUD Office of Inspector General Audit Report HUD lacked controls and oversight of the Housing Choice Voucher inspection process
Introduction to UPCS-V Pilot Program UPCS-V Pilot Program is in development with PHA input. Electronic, data-driven inspection protocol Accuracy: Different inspectors arriving at the same result each time Consistency: Decision trees or branching logic HUD provided training HUD quality control program Objectivity: Inspections (assessments) conducted using a defined set of criteria Improving inspections, training, and compliance
Part 2: UPCS-V IT Systems Luis Casillas Product Owner, UPCS-V Software Applications OED
UPCS-V Pilot – Decision Tree Demo iOS & Android
Why VEDGA? *24 CFR Part 982 [Docket No. FR–5928–N–01] Published: May 4, 2016 https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-05-04/pdf/2016-10460.pdf
Voucher Electronic Data Gathering App Universal ability to exchange data between HUD and vendors, such as Yardi. The exchange would serve both a push and pull ability. This would allow the exchange of inspection data and Decision Trees. Currently we are testing the data exchange. Beta testers are within driving distance of DC JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
UPCS-V Pilot - Stakeholder Collaboration HS HUD REAC IT Vendor Z Vendor A Feedback on Slack Channel Host Quarterly Town Halls UPCS-V beta-tester Community Collaboration between HUD and 3rd party software developers is crucial to the success of UPCS-V long-term
UPCS-V Slack Channel URL: https://upcs-v.slack.com Username Instructions institution-firstname.lastname ex: hud-john.smith
Questions & Answers Volunteers