Where to stay?
Miedzyzdroje are resort and tourist destination Miedzyzdroje are resort and tourist destination. A popular summer entertainment event is held annually the European Festival of Stars.
In miedzyzdroju is a lot of hotels. You can find good deals In miedzyzdroju is a lot of hotels. You can find good deals. It's a good place to stop on the holiday, the free weekend etc.
My favorite hotel in Miedzyzdroje is Villa Bravo
Villa Bravo is located in the heart of the Polish coast, which is a picturesque resort Międzyzdroje. Located 250 meters from the main promenade makes it possible to close access to the sea. The road to the beach is through next to the pedestrian zone, littered with numerous cafes, restaurants and shops, and the peaceful, flowery park Chopin.
Bar and restaurant
I highly recommend this place I highly recommend this place. Thank you for your attention Anna Wojtczak .