Facilitating Children’s Comprehension: Text Factors Chapter 9 Facilitating Children’s Comprehension: Text Factors This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performance or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.
Chapter 9 Text Factors Stories, informational books, and poems can be easier or more difficult to read depending upon inherent factors of: Genre Broad Categories of Literature Text Structures Organizational Patterns Text Features Narrative devices include foreshadowing & dialogue in stories; headings and indexes are nonfiction features in informational books, and repetition and rhyme are poetic devices.
Narrative Genres Folklore Fables, Folktales, Myths, Legends Fantasy Chapter 9 Narrative Genres Folklore Fables, Folktales, Myths, Legends Fantasy Modern Literary Tales, Fantastic Stories, Science Fiction, High Fantasy Realistic Fiction Contemporary Stories, Historical Stories
Elements of Story Structure Chapter 9 Elements of Story Structure Plot Characters Setting Point of View Theme
Chapter 9 Poetic Devices Poetic devices are especially important tools because poets express their ideas very concisely. Alliteration Repetition Imagery Rhyme Metaphor Rhythm Onomatopoeia Simile
Points of View First-Person Viewpoint Omniscient Viewpoint Chapter 9 Points of View First-Person Viewpoint Omniscient Viewpoint Limited Omniscient Viewpoint Objective Viewpoint
Poetic Forms Rhymed Verse Narrative Poems Haiku Free Verse Chapter 9 Poetic Forms Rhymed Verse Narrative Poems Haiku Free Verse Concrete Poems
Expository Text Structures Chapter 9 Expository Text Structures Description Sequence Comparison Cause and Effect Problem and Solution
Nonfiction Text Features Chapter 9 Nonfiction Text Features Headings & Subheadings Photographs & Drawings Figures, Maps, & Tables Margin Notes Highlighted Vocabulary Glossary Index
Comprehension Strategies Chapter 9 Comprehension Strategies Children apply what they’ve learned about text factors when they: Consider genre Recognize text structure Attend to literary devices When children notice text factors, they’re better able to understand what they’re reading.