III. World’s Food Supply
A. Green Revolution 1. Food productivity has been increasing over the last 40 years 2. Partly because of the green revolution a. mid 1960’s with development of new strains of wheat and rice b. Accompanied by advancements with fertilizers and irrigation
3. It did not increase farmland 4. Not always available to nations that need it though a. Equipment or the fuel to run it 5. Drives down prices of food making it hard on small farms
B. Cash Crops 1. Because of money some people in starving countries grow food to export a. A cash crop is a food grown only for money 2. In poor areas, 85% of the land is owned by 5% of the population
C. Water based food 1. Aquatic animals supply 40 % of the protein in the world 2. It is estimated that the oceans could supply 100 metric tons of food per year with no bad effects 3. Over fishing is beginning to hurt a. 40 of 280 valuable species are endangered
4. Aquaculture- commercially raising fish in a maintained environment a. 85% of the mollusks eaten