Sports Marketing Chapter 2--Notes
What is sports marketing?
What are examples of products sports fans buy?
Target Market In order to market a product to any audience, you must first determine the target market. TARGET MARKET—targeting a specific group of people that you want to reach.
How to find a Target Market 1. Identify the customer
Demographics 'population characteristics'. The characteristics of human populations and population segments, especially when used to identify consumer markets.
Common interests? Sports fans may have more in common than the love of the sport.
Demographics of sports Assignment
How to find a Target Market There are three steps to targeting:
Target Group After the company establishes the target market, ideally they would like to find out WHY the consumers buy.
Spending habits of fans The price fans are willing to pay for sporting goods/services depends on:
Sports Marketing Strategies
Relationship marketing
Example Sports teams add meaning and value to products by communicating allegiance. Of people surveyed, 39% of them felt like a real fan and more supportive when wearing merchandise with their teams logo.
Gross impression
Ambush marketing
Sports logos Why do people wear sports logos on clothing?
New Sports, New Opportunities
Definitions Market segmentation--the process of grouping a market into smaller subgroups. Product positioning--the technique by which marketers try to create an image or identity for a product, brand, or organization