STEAM :Science, Technology Engineering, 6th Grade AIM Diane Moore, GT Specialist for Chandler Elementary Ticket to Twenties Sixth Grade: Students analyze historical situations for the cause and effect relationships during the era of the 1920’s and 1930’s Students will discover how the cultural environment in which a person lived or lives shapes his or her perspective of life’s events. STEM PBL: “No Quick Fix.” PreAP Math is offered for qualifying students. 469-467-1400 ext. 5234 Curriculum Our integrated unit of study is The 1920s in America: A Decade of Tension. We will be studying the United States during this decade to learn how systems of geography, government, economics, and culture interact. Students will also determine cause and effect relationships involving events of this time period. The curriculum objectives for the year are listed below. Each student will have the opportunity to research, contribute to discussions, and present various projects throughout the year. We will integrate STEAM into the curriculum. Objectives Examining the economic, social and political changes of the 1920s Investigating the role and experiences of sub populations in the 1920s Exploring the sentiments and influences of the popular cultures Describing experiences of American citizens during the 1920s era & the Great Depression Analyzing and interpreting primary documents to locate information about the 1920s Class time Monday This year 6th grade AIM students will meet each Monday. We will begin AIM the second week of school. STEAM :Science, Technology Engineering, Art and Math Guidelines The engineering design process is the driver for finding solutions in the identified problem. Engaging, inquiry based instructional approaches are used and research is incorporated. Students work in teams to find solutions, and multiple right solutions are possible. The definition of technology is anything created by humans in response to a need or want. Sixth AIM Supplies 1 composition notebook Clorox Wipes Pick 2 supply list: Sponge paint brushes (cheapest ones) Chenille Sticks or pipe cleaners Magnets Velcro dots or tape Batteries Scrapbook paper or cardstock (any color) Black sharpies