Men and women of faith, Heb. 11 Samson Men and women of faith, Heb. 11 Expected. Unexpected.
Copy strengths, avoid weaknesses. Samson Copy strengths, avoid weaknesses. Faults not excused. Hope for us.
Samson Overview Lessons
His birth was during a time of need, Jud. 13 Samson Overview His birth was during a time of need, Jud. 13 Time of oppression, 13:1 Angel assured, 13:2-5 Birth, 13:24, 25
He fought with the Philistines, Jud. 14-15 Samson Overview He fought with the Philistines, Jud. 14-15 Loved a Philistine, 14:1-20 Wife killed, 15:1-8 Philistines slaughtered, 15:9-17
He was brought down by Delilah, Jud. 16 Samson Overview He was brought down by Delilah, Jud. 16 His passion, 16:4, 5 His compromise, 16:6-14 His fall, 16:15-22
Samson Overview He regained his strength, Jud. 16:23-31
Uncontrolled fleshly passions bring trouble, Jud. 14:16, 17; 16:15-17 Samson Lessons Uncontrolled fleshly passions bring trouble, Jud. 14:16, 17; 16:15-17 Weaknesses: Women. Alcohol. Drugs. Tobacco. Money.
Uncontrolled fleshly passions bring trouble, Jud. 14:16, 17; 16:15-17 Samson Lessons Uncontrolled fleshly passions bring trouble, Jud. 14:16, 17; 16:15-17 Consequences: Financial. Large debt. Physical. Accidents. Commit other sin.
Children of God will be betrayed by those close to them. Samson Lessons Children of God will be betrayed by those close to them. Jesus & Judas, Psa. 41:9 Paul & Demas, Col. 4:14; 2 Tim. 4:10 Faithful Christians, Mt. 10:21, 22, 34-39 Father & mother. Son & daughter. Brother & sister.
We must fight the enemies of God, Jud. 14:1-4, 19, 20; 15:1-17 Samson Lessons We must fight the enemies of God, Jud. 14:1-4, 19, 20; 15:1-17 Soldiers of Christ, 2 Tim. 2:3 Fight the good fight, 2 Tim. 4:6-8 Armor, Eph. 6:10-18; 2 Cor. 10:3-5
Compromise leads to a downfall, Jud. 16:19-21 Samson Lessons Compromise leads to a downfall, Jud. 16:19-21 Pestered, cf. Lk. 22:33, 54-62 Devil. Coworkers, school mates. Children. Spouse. Will you give up your vow?
We must be willing to “die” for God, Jud. 16:23-31 Samson Lessons We must be willing to “die” for God, Jud. 16:23-31 NOT suicide! Self-sacrifice, Lk. 9:23 Die to: Society, Gal. 6:14; 1 Pt. 4:3, 4 Family, Lk. 14:26, 27 Self, Rom. 6:5-7; Col. 3:3, 4
Men and women of faith, Heb. 11 Samson Men and women of faith, Heb. 11 Expected. Unexpected.
Copy strengths, avoid weaknesses. Samson Copy strengths, avoid weaknesses. Faults not excused. Hope for us.