Integration of the Targets: Cluster-Jet Target PANDA Collaboration Meeting March 2010 Integration of the Targets: Cluster-Jet Target Alfons Khoukaz Institut für Kernphysik, WWU Münster, Germany
Cluster-Target: Mechanical Integration Vacuum pumps Large pumping speed needed for maximum target performance good vacuum conditions Pumps must be located close to the target(s)
Cluster-Target: Mechanical Integration Aspects to be discussed: Space required and reserved for the vacuum pumping systems Design of a support structure (platform?) for the vacuum pumps Service platform around the target hole for installation, operation and maintenance of the targets
Cluster-Target: Mechanical Integration 1 or 2 roots pumps forepump working platform? cluster target
Forevacuum Pumps Possible forvacuum pumps Screwline SP630: LBH=163x66x88 cm3, 530 kg or Dryvac 650 S-i, 550 kg Dryvac, 5000 RS-i, 1200 kg Possible roots pump combination Ruvac WH7000, LBH = 143x42x54 cm3, 650 kg Ruvac WS2001, 460 kg
Safety Aspects: Hydrogen Main target material for PANDA will be hydrogen (deuterium) Explosive air mix: 4-77% (vol. concentration) Explosive air mix: p > 50 mbar → Safety aspects must be considered in the design of both the vacuum system and the exhaust handling
Safety Aspects: Hydrogen Vacuum system: Vacuum pressures always below 0.1 mbar Careful leak checks → pure hydrogen environment within vacuum systems → At no time explosive gas mix possible! → No ATEX classification!
Safety Aspects: Hydrogen Pump exhausts: Operation with hydrogen: Extreme reduction of hydrogen concen-tration by dilution with large air flows Emission of the diluted exhaust Operation with deuterium: Regeneration Pure D2 gas from pump exhaust will be compressed and used again in the targets
Summary Place has to be reserved now for vacuum pumps (pumps will be bought this year) Support structures and target-magnet connection points have to be defined Working platform for both target types have to be considered in the further planning