Inspector Challenges
Deficiencies Not Addressed Communicate with the general contractor and stress importance of necessity and compliance Communicate the violation and potential penalties for such violation Contact City/County to communicate current issues Continue to document on a weekly basis
Stormwater Runoff Eroding Controls Install J-hooks to slow and pond runoff Install addition sediment controls parallel to contours
Slope Instability Issues Undercutting matting Temporary stabilization practices such as mulch and tackifier
Sediment Basin Issues Not draining Inadequate inlet protection Bank erosion due to surface runoff Withdraw clarified water from surface
Drainage Ditch Issues Bank erosion stabilization Undercut controls Silt fence check Filter sock check
Unsure How to Address an Issue? Look at SUDAS Design Guidelines and Specifications Contact a local City/County inspector Contact IDNR Contact EPA Field Office 7 staff
IDNR Field Offices
EPA Region 7 Staff
Don’t Forget the NOD!
Certification Statement "I certify under penalty of law that disturbed soils at the identified facility have been finally stabilized and temporary erosion and sediment control measures have been removed or will be removed at an appropriate time. I understand that by submitting this Notice of Discontinuation, that I am no longer authorized to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity for construction activities by Iowa Department of Natural Resources General NPDES Permit No. 2. and that discharging pollutants from storm water associated with industrial activity to waters of the United States is unlawful under the Clean Water Act where the discharge is not authorized by a NPDES permit."