Mrs. Murray’s 6th Grade Back to School Night Your child left a note for you on his/her desk. Please write your child a note on the “You Fill My Bucket” bookmark. Don’t worry about signing up for conferences. I will send an email with a Sign Up Genius as it gets closer.
Contact Information E-mail: Phone: 267-893-3600 ext 3625 The phone goes directly into voicemail Email – Checked throughout the day Dismissal changes - please contact the office directly to ensure that we receive the message. Sign and return folders
Who is Mrs. Murray? Grew up in Quakertown Currently living in Pennsburg Married for 9 years and have 3 great kiddos! Runner and sports enthusiast B.A. from Shippensburg University Elementary Education and Reading M.S. from Cabrini College Education Neidig Elementary Mill Creek Elementary School
Classroom Goals Respect, Responsibility, and Honor Time management Independent learners Resourcefulness Resiliency, Perseverance, GRIT Effective study strategies Lifelong learning Practice accountability
Classroom concepts Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Having Grit! My goal is to prepare students for life long success by helping them to become active, independent learners. Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Having Grit! Pyramid of Success- Classroom Environment Bucket Filling
FISH PHILOSOPHY Make Their Day Be There Choose Your Attitude Play
Classroom Management Fishing for Complements: Group Rewards Table Points- Monthly Reward for small group
Classroom Code of Conduct * 07/16/96 Classroom Code of Conduct EXPECTATIONS Do What You Know is Right! CONSEQUENCES If a student breaks a rule: Non verbal cue Verbal reminder of rule Private discussion Call home Conference *
Keeping up with 6th Grade Email “Blasts” Classroom Website Friday Folders
Homework Policy
Homework Policy District Guidelines: 60 minutes/day Goals: Apply knowledge and develop Study Skills Weekly Check In – Students reflect on behaviors and set goals for following weeks 80 minutes reading per week, no log Math StudyLink, math boxes, basic facts Weekly spelling due Thursday Finish unfinished classwork Tests: announced 4-5 days in advance Students are responsible for writing HW in Agenda Book each morning
Reading Comprehension Toolkit Read Aloud Texts Novels: leveled, whole group, literature circles Genres – non-fiction realistic fiction fantasy historical fiction Book conferences
Language Arts Writer’s Notebook Units of Study (may take a marking period to finish!) Personal Narrative Argument Informational Poetry Process piece vs. Cold Write Grammar Spelling – due Thusday
Looking ahead… Sixth Grade Assessment Research: Write questions and find information Report: Write a 5 paragraph essay Visual: Create a PowerPoint for the information Presentation: Share information with an audience
Science- Mrs. Yarmolyk Social Studies Human Body Earth’s Changing Surface Pollution Health Topics HIV/AIDS Human Growth and Development Tobacco, Alcohol and other Drugs Social Studies Early Man (Hominids) Mesopotamia Egypt, India, and China
Technology Internet safety Word processing PowerPoint presentations Office 365 Research
Special Events Color Games: September 15 Ropes Course Halloween Howl Geography Bee 6th Grade Social Promotion Clean Stream Trip
Please be sure to leave your child a note on their desk! Supplies – Thank you, Thank you!! Tissues and Wipes!!! Homeroom Parent/Parties: Thank you Mrs. Conte! If you have any specific questions you think of later, you can email Have a wonderful evening! Pre-Algebra: Mrs. Yarmolyk next door *You are free to go if your child is in neither Pre- Algebra or Everyday Math with Mrs. Murray.