CELLULAR EFFECTS OF IRRADIATION Instant death Reproductive death Apoptosis, programmed cell death(interphase death) Mitotic or genetic death Mitotic Delay Interference of Function Chromosome Breakage
Survival curves for Mammalian Cells Shoulder indicates an area of cellular repair with Low LET exposures
Cell radiosensisitivy and Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau Blood cells Epithelial tissue Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue Reproductive cells Blood Cells ??? Find the dose for Whole body hematologic depression What are stem or precursor cells? What dose moderately to severely deplete bone marrow cells? What are the most sensitive stems cells of human tissue?
Blood Cells -MORE QUESTIONS Is death caused from high doses to red blood cells or white blood cells or platelets?Why? What is the lethal dose for humans? What dose level can impact lymphocytes and why is it so low? Why are radiation patients monitored
Epithelial tissue Muscle Tissue Nervous Tissue Radiosensitive Insenstive When are nerve cells most sensitive?
Reproductive cells Mature spermatogonia-sensitive or insensitive? Why? What dose can cause temporary sterility in male? In female? What dose can cause permanent sterility in male? In female? Mature ova sensitive or insensitive? What dose may suppress male sperm population? When are a woman’s ovaries most sensitive?