Criminology A Unit 3 Classical and Biological Theories of Crime and Serial Killers 25 Questions: Multiple Choice, True/False and People Matching
Question 1 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most serial killers in the U.S.? Male Caucasian Twenties and up Low intelligence and mental illness
Question 2 By definition, a serial killer is an individual who over a period of time slays ____ or more victims…… 3 5 7 No number is identified
Question 3 In the cycle that many serial killers experience, this stage involves keeping part of the victim following the murder. Aura Phase Trolling Phase Totem Phase Depression Phase
Question 4 Which of the following is NOT listed as one of the Terrible Triad for identifying potential serial killers? Animal cruelty Stuttering Fire Setting Bed Wetting
Question 5 Which of the following people was NOT associated with the Classical Theory of criminal behavior? Cesare Beccaria Franz Joseph Gall Jeremy Bentham
Question 6 This “serial killer” is considered to be the inspiration for movies like Psycho, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Silence of the Lambs. Ed Gein Jeffrey Dahmer Ted Bundy Charles Manson
Question 7 Under the Free Will Theory of Criminal Behavior, which of the following statements was NOT a solution to reducing crime? Punishment should be harsh and predictable Punishment should be swift and known Punishment is needed to stop people from committing crime Punishment should fit the person and take into account individual differences
Question 8 Which of the following was NOT a way in which Dahmer “kept” part of his victim with him following the murders? Eating human flesh to make them a more permanent part of him Taking photos of the victims Keeping all of their clothes so he could dress like them Collecting the skulls and planning to create a shrine
Question 9 The region of the brain that controls this type of behavior when damaged can lead to an increased likelihood of psychopathic behavior. Impulse Humor Hunger Compassion
Question 10 According to the analogy used by Dr. Pinkis with gun-powder and a fuse, which factor represented the fuse or trigger? Mental Illness Brain Injury Abuse
Question 11 The study of Phrenology focuses on what? How the body type of an individual can influence the likelihood of crime Identifying a pattern of physical characteristics including facial features for increasing the likelihood of crime A blood disorder that increases the likelihood of crime Study of the human skull identifying lumps and bumps increasing the likelihood of criminal behavior
Question 12 The ideas of Charles Darwin influencing this individual’s description of who is most likely to commit crimes is connected to Cesare Lombroso Franz Joseph Gall William Sheldon
Question 13 Of the 3 body types listed, which one is most likely to commit crimes? Mesomorph Endomorph Ectomorph
Question 14 What chemical when found in LOW levels is associated with aggressive behavior? Estrogen Serotonin Testosterone Y chromosomes
Question 15 What was the outcome of the Jeffrey Dahmer trial? Sentenced to the death penalty Charges were dropped because of lack of witnesses Found not guilty by reason of insanity Sentenced to prison for 900 plus years
Answer Key D A C B