Room 103 / Pease / Science Look for the number on the card you received when you came in. Please sit silently at the table with same number as written on slip of paper handed at door by Coach Pease. Collect Please Do Now (name pennant) to complete quietly at your seat. Be creative, take your time Student Name Selfie Draw picture or printed picture Science is.. List 2 things you like about science.
Room: 107 Teacher: Coach Pease Welcome to 7th Grade Room: 107 Teacher: Coach Pease citations/ mot.php?mot=science
Class Room Agenda for Today Complete Lab Safety Card Sort Class Procedures / Expectation Power Point Hand out Forms to be signed by Parents Answer any Questions
Entering the Room Procedure 1. Take care of Bathroom, Drinks and so forth _______________________the room. 2. Collect ________ at the door. 3. ______ the Projector Screen for additional instructions. 4. Sharpen Pencil _____ you take your seat. 5. Sit ________ at assigned seat and complete P.D.N. Let’s Practice…
Overall Class Expectations 1. Have ____ appropriate materials and supplies ______________________and be ______ when the teacher enters room. 2. _________ the people, animals, equipment and furnishings of room 107 3. Follow Directions the _______ time they are given
Class Expectations Cont. 4. ____ in your _____ unless you have permission to do otherwise 5. ______ your hand and wait for permission to do otherwise 6. Do _____ TEXT, eat, drink, or chew anything in class 7. Be _____to class, EVERYDAY! 8. Come to ______, Not Play! (This is not daycare!)
1. ______ verbal or non-verbal 2. Documented _______ (sign clip board) Consequences 1. ______ verbal or non-verbal 2. Documented _______ (sign clip board) 3. ________ Contact 4. Office Referral
Noise Level When working in groups keep voice level to a __________ ( just person directly next to you should be able to hear, not the next table over) Let’s Practice what a Whisper sounds like. Turn to your table partner and tell them 1 quick thing you like about science.
Signal to Give Teacher Attention Teacher will state: Mouths ________ _____ Open ______ on Me Teacher will count down to 0 on hand If teacher reaches 0, students will loose time after for each finger she holds back up Each finger will equal 1 second of time owed after the dismissal. Let’s Practice
Group Work Listen to teacher directions silently ____ as a team in a quiet, _________fashion ______ _______ will have a specific job to help the group work as a team
Turn in Work _______ located ___ Metal ____ Case Teacher will collect work as a group Or, Student will be asked to put work into Class Period Turn In Basket Baskets are labeled by class period ____ _____choose to ____ put your work in the _________ basket it is the same as not turning it in at all. Remember that you must have your _____ and _____ period at the top of all assignments. No Name=No Grade
Trash / Wastebasket If entering or leaving class, big ______ can is by the door If at your seat, each group will have a small trash can to use (____ _____is to be up and walking the room for any reason without permission) If your groups trashcan is full 1 person gets permission to get up to empty it.
End of Class / Exit the Room ______ person in the group ____ help clean up desk area 1 person will _____ textbooks and put them back on the designated book shelf. 1 Person will _______ the trashcan into the large trash can 1 Person will put away any supplies used All students return to a clean table and ____ _______. Collect personal items as seated. __________ will Dismiss you by quiet, clean tables, not a bell When dismissed ______ quietly out of room.
Daily Required Supplies Science ________ Pen / ______ that works Hand Held _____ _________ ___________ Homework Ready to _______ Attitude
Posted Weekly on ______ of Classroom Door Grades Posted Weekly on ______ of Classroom Door
Grading / Missing Assignments 1. ____________________and additional ________________will ___________(students are responsible to turn in work on time with name at top of assignment) 2. Progress _______ will go home every other week. Reports are to be signed by parent and returned the next day for a daily grade. 3. Name must be on all assignments, NO ____=NO ______
Cheating ___________ U for Conduct Automatic ____% with ___ opportunity to make up Cheating includes but not limited to: Copying information from another student Copying from an encyclopedia, internet, ect. Allowing someone else to copy your work
Bi-Weekly Science only Progress reports Things to Look For Bi-Weekly Science only Progress reports Newsletter at Beginning of each 6 weeks New vocabulary attached to newsletter
Animals Do _____ ______without permission Guinea Pigs Do _____ ______without permission Do _____ ________them anything without teacher permission Anyone who mis-treats an animal in a negative/harmful manner on purpose will have charges pressed against them. Animal Cruelty is against the law in the USA.
Web Site For 7th Grd. Science with Coach Pease ____________________________________ Best way to keep up to date on class work for both Student and Parent. (This is updated weekly)
Handouts Class Syllabus Review 1st 6 Weeks Newsletter Lab Safety Contract Please take papers home and go over with parent/legal guardian Sign and return tomorrow for a prize and a daily grade
Looking forward to a great year! First ______ for this year: class handouts signed and returned by ____ class day (tomorrow) This power point can be found on the website.