Work progress in Turin x the MVD MVD meeting PANDA meeting, September 11° 2012 Daniela Calvo
Pixel assemblies Beam test @CERN in August to study thin epi sensors with ToPix3 → done!: 3 x 100 and 1 x 150 mm 3 x 100 and 1 x 100 mm irradiated sensor (with and without O2) in the pixel tracking station configuration and 1 x 100 mm in the angle rotation configuration with strip telescope Preliminary online analysis was done → (Laura) The analysis of the data of Juelich beam test → in progress (Laura) D. Calvo
Electronics ToPix4 project → in progress (Angelo) Detailed study of ToPix3 → in progress (Marco – December meeting) DC-DC study → in progress (Paolo – December meeting) Long aluminum microstrips study → done! (Paolo – December meeting) D. Calvo
Mechanics Mechanics meeting on July 4th @ GSI Mvd services study → at present blocked, waiting availability of mechanics designer from EMC (October) Mvd support prototypes (plastic…) → in progress (Beppe) Cooling part → blocked , waiting more information about power consumption of strip and pixel readout D. Calvo