14-2 How Are the Earth’s Rocks Recycled? Concept 14-2 The three major types of rocks found in the earth’s crust—sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic—are recycled very slowly by the process of erosion, melting, and metamorphism.
What is a mineral?
What is a mineral? it is an element or inorganic solid compound with a crystalline structure. A mineral resource is a concentration that can be extracted and processed into useful materials GEM?
Aluminum Iron Copper Nickel Cobalt Platinum Sand Gravel Limestone Metallic minerals Non metallic Aluminum Iron Copper Nickel Cobalt Platinum Sand Gravel Limestone
There Are Three Major Types of Rocks (1) Earth’s crust Composed of minerals and rocks Three broad classes of rocks, based on formation Sedimentary defined Sandstone Shale Dolomite Limestone Lignite Bituminous coal
There Are Three Major Types of Rocks (2) Igneous Granite Lava rock Metamorphic Anthracite Slate Marble
The Earth’s Rocks Are Recycled Very Slowly Rock cycle Slowest of the earth’s cyclic processes
Parent material (rock) Particles of parent material Biological weathering (tree roots and lichens) Chemical weathering (water, acids, and gases) Physical weathering (wind, rain, thermal expansion and contraction, water freezing) Figure 14.6 Weathering: Biological, chemical, and physical processes weather or convert rock into smaller fragments and particles. It is the first step in soil formation. Stepped Art Fig. 14-6, p. 348
Pot holes
Types of tectonic plate boundaries Convergent plate boundary How are mountains formed? Divergent plate boundary Transform fault
Heat, pressure, stress Magma (molten rock) Erosion Transportation Weathering Deposition Igneous rock Granite, pumice, basalt Sedimentary rock Sandstone, limestone Heat, pressure Cooling Heat, pressure, stress Magma (molten rock) Figure 14.13 Natural capital: the rock cycle is the slowest of the earth’s cyclic processes. Rocks are recycled over millions of years by three processes: erosion, melting, and metamorphism, which produce sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Rock from any of these classes can be converted to rock of either of the other two classes, or can be recycled within its own class (Concept 14-2). Question: What are three ways in which the rock cycle benefits your lifestyle? Melting Metamorphic rock Slate, marble, gneiss, quartzite Fig. 14-13, p. 354
Types of tectonic plate boundaries Convergent plate boundary How are mountains formed? Divergent plate boundary Transform fault
1. What country has the largest proven resources of strategic metals (used in the defense industry) such as Manganese, chromium and platinum. 2. The major source of radon in houses in the United States is ___________ 3. The major human health problem related to radon accumulation in living tissue is_______________?
14-3 What Are Mineral Resources, and what are their Environmental Effects? Concept 14-3A Some naturally occurring materials in the earth’s crust can be extracted and made into useful products in processes that provide economic benefits and jobs. Concept 14-3B Extracting and using mineral resources can disturb the land, erode soils, produce large amounts of solid waste, and pollute the air, water, and soil.
We Use a Variety of Nonrenewable Mineral Resources Fossil fuels Metallic minerals Nonmetallic minerals Ore High-grade ore Low-grade ore Importance and examples of nonrenewable metal and nonmetal mineral resources