Let’s Connect Hear something you like today? Tweet me @valorieburton Facebook.com/valorieburton Facebook.com/cappinstitute Twitter.com/valoriburton Twitter.com/cappinstitute www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com © What is Resilience? The ability to: 1) bounce back from setbacks and 2) thrive, grow and be effective in the face of adversity, challenges and change. Resilient people think differently. They have a level of psychological capital and mental toughness that enables better performance and leadership under stress. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Why do you need resilience more than ever? We are doing more work, but with fewer resources www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Why do you need resilience more than ever? We are doing more work, but with fewer resources We are adapting to change, in short time frames www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Why do you need resilience more than ever? We are doing more work, but with fewer resources We are adapting to change, in short time frames We are dealing with big changes and fast deadlines www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Why do you need resilience more than ever? We are doing more work, but with fewer resources We are adapting to change, in short time frames We are dealing with big changes and fast deadlines We are less connected, more plugged in www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Why do you need resilience more than ever? We are doing more work, but with fewer resources We are adapting to change, in short time frames We are dealing with big changes and fast deadlines We are less connected, more plugged in We have higher expectations, more opportunity for failure www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Why do you need resilience more than ever? We are doing more work, but with fewer resources We are adapting to change, in short time frames We are dealing with big changes and fast deadlines We are less connected, more plugged in We have higher expectations, more opportunity for failure Stress, stress, stress! www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Picture the Possibilities PURPOSE Picture the Possibilities What is it time for you to hope for? Fear is inevitable, but not a stop sign. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
PURPOSE Use Your Failures and Mistakes as a Learning Tool What’s my “explanatory style”? How you explain your success determines your confidence. How you explain your failures can mean the difference between persevering or giving up. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com © PURPOSE Reach Out Maintain a good ratio of positive to negative interactions. Don’t go it alone. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Put things into perspective PURPOSE Put things into perspective What is within my control? What’s not? Stop “catastrophizing” Irrational worst-case scenario > Irrational best-case scenario > Most likely scenario www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Trigger Thoughts Reactions What is TTR and Why is it Important? Trigger Thoughts Reactions Thoughts create reactions. If you can be aware of your thoughts, you can change them and ultimately change your reactions to the challenges and adversity that comes your way. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Thought Reaction Connections Thoughts Reactions (Emotions and Actions) Positive outlook (things can/will improve) Hope, optimism, energy, action Appreciation for what you’ve been given (I value what’s been given to me) Gratitude, contribution, paying it forward Positive contribution (I made a difference/contributed) Pride, confidence, sharing, planning Danger (something bad will happen) Anxiety, fear Loss (I have lost something that matters to me) Sadness, depression, withdrawal, mourning Trespass (I have been violated, a boundary has been crossed) Anger, retaliation, resentment, aggression Causing harm (I have caused harm or pain) Guilt, shame, regret, apologizing, compensating Negative comparisons (I don’t measure up) Embarrassment, hiding, striving to prove self www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
PURPOSE Operate with Optimism What might be a more helpful way (most of the time) What might be a more helpful way to look at this? Optimists live, up to, nine years longer than pessimists. Some jobs train you to be a pessimist. Any guess which ones? What is it time to hope for? www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
PURPOSE Serve Instead of “What can I get?”, Ask “What can I give?” When feeling helpless, help someone. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com © PURPOSE Enjoy the Journey! What brings you joy? Cultivate positive emotion, know your happiness triggers. Celebrate milestones. Happiness causes success, not the other way around. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Happiness is a success strategy. www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
What are Your Happiness Triggers? Anticipation Smiling Service Gratitude Connection Flow Play Relaxation Financial Savvy Winning Words Movement Savoring Purpose www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©
Q&A Hear something you like today? Tweet me @valorieburton Facebook.com/valorieburton Facebook.com/cappinstitute Twitter.com/valoriburton Twitter.com/cappinstitute www.valorieburton.com - 2016 Valorie Burton - www.cappinstitute.com ©