Lesson work and homework Write in the definition of cog neuroscience onto p.23 Complete the fill in the gaps on p.23-24 Make notes on double dissociation HM KF – p.24 Use the pink sheet to read, cut and stick evaluation onto p.25-26 Create your revision notes on the cognitive model AO1 and AO3
Cognitive neuroscience The scientific study of the influence of brain structures on mental processes. The use of scanning techniques and the study of ‘neurotypical’ individuals to locate the physical basis of cognitive processes in the brain
Where it all started… In the 1860s, Broca identified how damage to an area of the frontal lobe (now known as Broca’s Area) could permanently impair speech production. Wernicke also identified how damage to the left temporal lobe (now known as Wernicke’s area) could permanently impair speech comprehension.
Broca and Wernicke’s brain areas
Independent task Complete the gap fill activity in your booklet on cognitive neuroscience using the words provided. Q&A.
Schizophrenia Brown et al (1986) – found enlarged ventricles (which are the cavities in the brain that hold cerebrospinal fluid) in schizophrenic patients.
Double dissociation 2 individuals with damage to their brain HM KF What were the reasons for their brain damage? What cognitive functions were impaired/damaged? What does this tell us? - that stm and ltm must have different physical locations in the brain!
Double dissociation This occurs when two patients show a ‘mirror image’ of impairment e.g. person 1 can do task A but not task B, whereas person 2 can do task B but not task A. This was demonstrated by patients KF and HM. Shallice and Warrington (1970) - KF had very poor STM but a fully functioning LTM following damage to the left parietal occipital lobe of his brain during a motorcycle accident. Scoville and Milner (1957) - HM had undergone surgery for epilepsy in which his hippocampus was removed. HM was unable to put any information into his LTM after the surgery yet his STM was completely normal. These two cases represent evidence of double dissociation and the reasonable conclusion is that STM and LTM are located in different areas of the brain.
Independent task Cut+stick Evaluation of the cognitive approach Cut out the 6 evaluation points. Decide if they are a strength or a weakness of the cognitive approach (using the headings in your booklet to help you). Stick these into your booklets. 12 minutes