Science - Year 3/4B Autumn 2 Police Evidence PowerPoint Light Shining the Light Session 6 Police Evidence PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
Welcome to our last session on the case Welcome to our last session on the case. As you know we have 2 prime suspects. Maggie and Sue We have a lot of circumstantial evidence that shows they had the opportunity to commit the crime. But we do not have enough evidence yet to convict them. If we are to solve the case today, we need to find something more that really incriminates them.
Let’s begin with a recap of everything we know: Someone removed the fuse to create darkness so the crime could happen without being seen and although it could have been any of the suspects, Maggie was the closest to the fuse cupboard 2. Someone came onto the stage in the darkness and stole the earrings from their box 3. Someone shone a torch from the right hand side of the stage for a few seconds. The torch went out and the person walked across the stage. Maggie cannot walk so this must have been one of the other suspects. A cushion fell on the floor and the fuse was dropped into the vase of flowers. It is likely they also hid the earrings. Then the person left the stage. 4. Someone in the wings wrote a hurried coded message in mirror writing. They shone a torch on it so it could be seen by someone in the wings on the other side of the stage. The decoded message said “ALL DONE THEY ARE IN A CU.” The person ripped up the message and dropped 3 pieces into the bin. The last piece has not been found. Maggie and Sue were in the wings when the lights first went out.
5. The low level lights came on in the auditorium 5. The low level lights came on in the auditorium. Helen discovered the crime. Maggie ordered everyone to turn out their pockets but no one had the earrings – they had already been hidden! 6. Maggie ordered a search. The 3 men searched backstage, Helen went to lie down and Maggie and Sue “searched” the stage. The white curtain was lowered but because there was a lantern at the back of the stage, witnesses were able to see the suspect’s shadows.
7. Maggie’s shadow entered the stage from the right hand side 7. Maggie’s shadow entered the stage from the right hand side. She turned and her shadow got bigger. You discovered from your research, this meant she was moving towards the light source. Sue sat close to her and they whispered. Sue picked up something with a large pointed corner from the floor 8. As Maggie turned to leave the stage, 2 small rainbows were seen just for a second.
Some of you had some questions for me at the end of last session. You wanted to know whether the torch had been found and where the bin was located My officers found the torch standing on its end beside the bin. The bin was in the left corner of the back stage area - where Rory and Bob were standing when the lights first went out. There were no fingerprints on it.
Here is what they found: Some of you also asked me what was found in the pockets of the suspects when they were searched. This is a very good question. Luckily my officers took photos. Here is what they found: Jim Rory Maggie Bob Sue Helen
The other question a few of you asked was: What could the 2 small rainbows that Nina saw have been? This question is a complete mystery to me, but I think it could be important in the case. So I would like you to spend a bit of time investigating it today. Perhaps in your investigation teams you could try to answer these questions: How are rainbows made? What could have made the rainbows on the curtain? Good luck everyone!