Resources for primary school children Kerrin Terry Rachel Boswell
Flipbooks Https:// Flipbooks are a fun and unique way of showing information which makes them a perfect resource for children. We could suit this resource to our project by making a flipbook with an educational theme. Flipbooks are ideal for primary school children because they are quick to watch and fun to use. As well as this, it’s a very unique teaching method.
Stories This website has many different short stories that teach children good values such as friendship and care as well as good manners. We could use this within our project because we could use our own educational theme and turn it into a short story. Stories are a good way of educating children because you can illustrate them and make them exciting to look at.
Board Games Board Games are a great resource for children as they can be fun as well as educational – they wont even know they are learning. Scrabble is a great example as it improves spelling and word choices. We could create our own board game for this project in a way to educate young children on maths or the alphabet.
Songs This is a song for older primary school children and could also work for secondary school ages. The purpose is to help you learn Spanish in a unique way that should stick in your brain. I think learning through song is a really good idea as often a tune or lyric will stick in our heads and this is a great way of learning without actively trying hard to memorise something.
Radio piece This radio piece teaches children about winter as well as life on a farm. Radio is an interesting way of teaching 5-11 year olds certain subjects as it similar to speaking to the children yourself however they get a fun experience of learning through a different voice.
References Flipbook: YouTube. (2017). Flip Book Compilation by Animators at Laika. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20th Sep. 2017]. Stories: Sacristan,p. (2017) Short STORIES FOR CHILDREN. (ONLINE) Available at: (accessed 20th Sep.2017) Board games: Junior-Scrabble. (2017). [image] Available at: content/uploads/2014/08/Junior-Scrabble.jpg [Accessed 20 Sep. 2017] Song: YouTube. (2017). Music to help you Learn Spanish – Pasos de Gigante (Bacilos). [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2017]. Radio piece: BBC. (2017). Winter, Down On The Farm - BBC - CBeebies Radio. [online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Sep. 2017].