Overview and System Design for ESS LLRF Systems Anders J Johansson, Lund University, sweden
European Spallation Source 5 MW Neutron source 2 GeV proton linac Pulsed at 14 Hz, 2.86 ms long pulses. Rotating tungsten target
ESS Accelerator 1 RFQ 3 Pillbox buncher cavities in MEBT. Source LEBT RFQ MEBT DTL Spokes Medium b High b HEBT Target 352.21 MHz 704.42MHz Pulsed 14 Hz 3.6 MeV 90 MeV 216 MeV 561 MeV 2000 MeV 62.5 mA 1 RFQ 3 Pillbox buncher cavities in MEBT. 5 Drift Tube Linac sections. 26 Superconducting spoke cavities. 36 Superconducting medium-b cavities. 84 Superconducting high-b cavities.
ESS RF power amplifiers One power amplifier per accelerating cavity 2.8 MW Klystron for RFQ 30 kW Solid State for Buncher 2.8 MW Klystron for DTL 2x200kW Tetrode combined for Spoke 1.5 MW Klystron for Medium- Beta Elliptical 1.2 MW IOT for High Beta Elliptical
Field Stability Current requirements for regulation accuracy of the cavity field. RFQ +/- 0.2 % RMS amplitude +/- 0.2 o RMS* Normal Conducting +/- 0.2 o RMS Super Conducting +/- 0.1 % RMS amplitude +/- 0.1 o RMS Relaxed requirements for initial 10 us. Time Cavity Field Beam 2.86 ms *Relative the phase reference line. All other phase requirements relative the beam.
Timing and Phase Reference MRF timing system in gallery distributes triggers. Phase reference line in tunnel.
RF Cell LLRF: PI-control Adaptive feedforward Inner klystron loop Beam current variation compensation
High level LLRF architecture Procedures Schemes that involve longer times and multiple pulses. Algorithms Updates that take place between pulses (68 ms). Functions Real-time control within a pulse (3.5 ms). Procedures Scripts CPU EPICS Algorithms Software CPU PCIe LLRF Functions Firmware FPGA
Platform: MTCA.4 Modular design Adaptable to different cavities. Facilitates incremental upgrades Simplifies end of life management Temperature controlled rack
MTCA cards in crate for RFQ RFQ has 22 sensors, uses multiple acquisition cards. MCH FPGA+ADC/DAC+RTM CPU FPGA+ADC/DAC+RTM Timing FPGA+ADC/DAC+RTM FPGA+ADC/DAC+RTM PSU PSU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
704.42 MHz Medium-b MTCA.4 LLRF CPU Timing Timing FPGA/ADC RF/VM CB control on backplane Timing triggers MCH supervision External I/O Ethernet on backplane CPU LO-generation Phase reference Cavity Pickup VM out PreAmp Out PowerAmp out PowerAmp Refl Cavity In Cavity Refl Clk Timing LO/REF Timing FPGA/ADC RF/VM Interlock Modulator Voltage Beam current Vectormodulator out FPGA PZ Piezo 1 Piezo 2 MCH Fan Tray x 2 EPICS, Supervision PSU x 2 230 V AC
Tuning Slow tuners The cavities are mechanically tuned to the right frequency. Temperature for RFQ Slug tuners for DTL and buncher cavities. Cavity deformation for spoke and elliptical cavities. The stepper motors for the cold cavities are within the cryomodule. The motor controllers will be controlled from the LLRF system over EPICS.
Tuning Fast tuners The superconducting cavities have additional piezo actuators. There are two piezo actuators per cavity for redundancy. Will be used to reduce Lorenz force detuning. Triggered by timing system Control electronics integrated into LLRF crate.
Status Two test benches up and running at Lund University 352.21 MHz Test benches controlled from a central ”control room” computer and screens. One prototype running at Freia test hall at Uppsala University.
ESS LLRF Collaboration The LLRF system is designed by Lund University, Sweden. The LLRF hardware for 352.21 MHz part is planned to be delivered from ESS Bilbao, Spain. The LLRF hardware for 704.42 MHz is planned to be delivered from Polish Electronics Group, Poland. One RTM card designed by SLAC under contract. In addition, all collaborators are doing additional design work on separate components of the complete system.
ESS RF and LLRF presentations at LLRF 2015 Olof Troeng ”Cavity field control for ESS” (Tuesday) Fredrik Kristensson ”ESS digital LLRF prototype and testbenches” (Wednesday) Anders Sunesson ”RF system development at ESS”, (Thursday) Anders J Johansson ”Overview and system design for ESS LLRF systems (Thursday) Rihua Zeng ”Investigation of energy efficiency improvements in LLRF control at ESS” (Thursday 13:55) Anders Svensson ”ESS phase reference signal distribution” (Friday 9:55) Bo Bernhardsson