Parents of football atheltes Expert Tackling Parents of football atheltes By: Eddie Hamilton
Basic tackling techniques These three placements are crucial to basic tackling Arm Helmet Foot
Foot placement Foot closest to the ball carrier has to be forward Foot farthest away from the ball carrier should not be forward This allows the tackler to attack the ball carrier’s nearest hip
Eyes Up Chin Helmet Helmet Placement Emphasis on being able to see the ball carrier Chin Parallel with the ground Helmet Pointed towards the nearest sideline
Arm placement Shoot arms from the hips Wrap firmly around ball carrier Grab the back of the jersey
From rugby to american football Some rugby tackling techniques are beginning to make their way into American football Hawk Roll Tackle Hawk Tackle
Hawk tackle
Hawk tackle foot placement Feet centered Inside foot centered under the tackler Use leverage
Hawk tackle helmet placement Eyes to the thighs Chin parallel to ground
Hawk tackle arm placement If ball is in vulnerable position strip the ball Wrap around and grab back of jersey
Hawk roll tackle Usually used for a long range tackle so you can roll through the tackle
Hawk roll tackle foot placement Feet centered Inside foot centered under the tackler Use leverage
Hawk roll tackle helmet placement Eyes to the thighs Look past your opponent Tackle through them so you can roll
Hawk roll tackle arm placement Shoot both arms towards thighs Squeeze and crocodile roll
Profile tackle Tackle near peck of the ball player with your shoulder Wrap up ball carrier Drive for 5 yards
Profile tackle foot placement Feet centered Inside foot centered under the tackler Use leverage
Profile tackle helmet placement Helmet to chest plate Eyes burn through middle of offensive oppenent
Profile tackle arm placement Wrap around center of the body Squeeze and lift trunk of the body
Helmet to Helmet Helmet to helmet tackle is illegal and can lead to a fine Can lead to concussions and other life threatening injuries Don’t duck your head, always keep your chin parallel to the ground
how to avoid injuries during tackling All levels of football recently made cut blocking illegal Avoid putting too much pressure on your head because it can cause neck and back injuries Improper foot placement can lead to tears and sprains