Communication Apprehension
What can we learn from Amanda? Give this class your best effort. Engage in diligent preparation & practice. View it as a systematic process.
Stage Fright This is the uncomfortable feeling when speaking alone in front of an audience. This fear or anxiety is part of the body’s fight-or-flight reaction.
Communication Apprehension An individual’s level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons (McCroskey 13).
Communication Apprehension Physiological Responses Psychological Responses Rapid heart rate Sweating Dry mouth Hyperventilation Butterflies in stomach Increased self consciousness Irrational fears Lack of confidence Negative attitude
Communication Apprehension Trait CA: a general pattern of low medium, or high orientation of anxiety or fear across communication contexts. State CA: the anxiety or fear is experienced in one situation but not in others.
How does anxiety (CA) affect my speech preparation? It prevents you from being relaxed in the speech process, and hinders systematic preparation in the following areas: Significant Reflection &Thinking Time Research Adaptation to Audience Outline Organization
How does anxiety (CA) affect my speech delivery? It affects your oral performance: Inadequate voice projection Speaking too quickly or too slowly Lack of confidence Reluctance to use eye contact Lose focus & uncomfortable feeling
What can I do to limit my speech anxiety to give a speech that makes an impact? Cognitive Restructuring Deep breathing exercises Time management Sufficient practice Formal attire
Cognitive Restructuring “A process of revising how people think about speaking situations”(Wood 288). “I can’t be a good speaker” “I can be a good public speaker”
Cognitive Restructuring Helps combat psychological noise Also called internal noise that refers to biases, prejudices, & feelings toward a person or message (West and Turner). Example : “I hate giving a speech.”
Boosting Confidence Consistent cognitive restructuring changes negative beliefs into positive affirmations that boost your confidence levels.
Deep breathing exercises Synchronize your breathing & speaking. Allow for better voice projection. Vocal Effort: the effort you make to vocalize sound (Colton and Casper 232).
Deep breathing exercises Alleviate negative physiological effects of CA, such as hyperventilation & rapid heart rate. Help you relax & be engaged.
Engage in deep breathing! Breathe in through your nose for a count of five, as if you are smelling a rose. Hold your breath for a count of five. Relax & breathe out slowly for a count of five, as if you are bending the flame of a candle.
Time Management Estimate time needed for preparation. Block out specific & multiple time slots. Be aware of when you feel nervous & refocus on completing the task. Budget question time into your plan.
Sufficient practice Allow time for this. Incorporate reflections & feedback to develop more competence. Practice speech at least 7 times to limit anxiety & develop your own extemporaneous style.
Formal attire Attire should be suited to the occasion. A clean, neatly groomed appearance enhances credibility & more confident verbal and nonverbal communication. Plan ahead for all this.
Five strategies to combat CA Use cognitive restructuring for affirmations. Do deep breathing exercises to relax. Practice time management skills. Complete sufficient practice. Wear formal attire on speech day.