Program Review – January 2012 Comfort Protection Plan
Agenda Performance Review Market Response Analysis Quality Assurance HR and Training Goals for this month
Performance Review Monthly Production Hours Original forecast 5250 Mid month revision to 3800 Resulted in 45% staff reduction End of month ramp to 210 hours/day Overall the adjustment went smoothly however, had it not been possible to move several agents to HVAC temporarily we would have lost a number of productive agents.
Performance Review Order Counts Cold Stream Original forecast 1350 Mid month revision to 969 Achieved 400 Focus shifts to Warm on January 11th Connect issues on the 19th on Warm forces us to open cold stream for a few hours The abrupt halt on cold required an investment in retraining several agents who had never dialed on the warm stream.
Performance Review Order Counts Warm Stream Original forecast 0 Mid month revision to 827 Achieved 851 Major list exhaustion on 16th and 19th Keeping close watch on attempts per day allowed us to maximize lead utilization right through to the end of the month Very strong finish on the warm stream. Some veteran agents were performing in the .90 range.
Performance Review SPH Cold Stream Strong start up to the 3rd of the month New calling lists loaded on the 4th Immediate impact noted due to a higher volume of 416 area codes Switched to November lists on the 7th and saw immediate improvement Proposed that we try to spread the major metropolitan areas more evenly across lists Finished at a .18 however the results shouldering the hit we took in the 416 area were well above the target.
Performance Review SPH Warm Stream Another strong start on the 16th Steady performance in the first week ending above .50 List exhaustion hits the next week Top up in records in the last 3 days shows marked improvement Finished at a .46 at month end. We are discussing ways to minimize list exhaustion in the future utilizing dynamic treatments on a daily basis.
Market Response Top 5 Not Interested Reasons Encountering more prospects on a competitive plan Moderate increase in early hang ups (Mostly 416) Opportunities to paint more of a picture with the 18% who listen but are not sold Overall a much tougher month getting customers to listen. Favourable weather may have had an impact.
Market Response Top 3 Non Opportunities Language barriers were high. This is likely due to the fact that much of the list was focused in the GTA and major metropolitan areas. We also encountered several pockets where prospects had electric heating. Rental units were also high. Once again a product of the areas we were calling.
Quality Assurance Agent Score Cards averaged 87.5% against a benchmark of 85% We received 2 customer complaints in January and both of those complaints were deemed un-warranted We have seen major improvement in the areas of compliance especially when it comes % Sales Passed by QA. 97.6% of sales were passed as opposed to 94% in December.
Recruiting and Training We ramped up 10 people in the month of January 5 hit the floor mid month and although the balance were trained in January they hit on February 1st in order to right size the team for February In collaboration with Reliance we accelerated training in January by focusing first on the Furnace protection and the two month free promotion. This allowed us to capitalize “top of mind” concerns of prospects going into the coldest part of the year. With a less hectic training schedule we were able to provide more transitional support to agents in the first few days of calling. Agents who hit mid month were trained on the warm stream. We have not done this for several months as we found the transition to cold much harder. We will attempt to keep these agents on the warm stream, where possible in February.
Goals for February 4135 hours with a 35% Warm and 65% Cold Split Blended SPH of .35 for a total order count of 1390 Continue ongoing training initiatives to promote quality orders Stabilize, where possible, a dedicated Warm and Cold team with minimal floaters Intensify the performance management system to drive better results
The End