What We’re Learning This Week Mrs. Back’s Class Weekly Newsletter October 9, 2017 Dates to Remember October 11 Fundraiser ends October 19 Book orders due October 19 SES Night at Sky Zone October 20 No school for students November 2 Conference Night November 9 Picture Retake day and Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A November 10 No school for Veteran's Day Classroom News Thursday is our Library day to check out books. The children need the bag that the book is sent home in to check out another book. Please help you child remember the book and bag on Thursdays! Please bring in an apple by Friday. We will be tasting apples and making applesauce. Please send in water bottle caps and milk jug caps! I have some activities we need them for! What We’re Learning This Week Reading: Listen, Listen and My Five Senses Letters of the week: Aa and Gg Sight word(s): see Phonological Awareness: onset and rime (ex. fox, f- ox; goat, g- oat; jet, j- et) Writing: beginning sounds in words Math: Position Words Science: Our Five Senses-see, hear, smell, taste, touch Social Studies: Columbus Day Thank you! We had a great time at Root and Shoots on Friday afternoon. Thank you to Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Matthews and Ms. Brackett for helping the children learn and have so much fun! Ms. Melissa Back Email address: melissa.back@k12.wv.us Shepherdstown Elementary School Phone Number: 304-876-6270 Website: https://boe.jeff.k12.wv.us/Page/1153
What We’re Learning Next Week Other Information Here Spelling Words What We’re Learning Next Week Reading: Spelling/Phonics: Writing: Math: Science: Social Studies: Other Information Here Lunch Menu Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
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