Presentation of preliminary results


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of preliminary results

Some considerations A lot of information What have we done so far Language challenges Limitations of the presentation How to use the results/report Bruk av rapporten: Kommer i mai ikke oppskrift/sannhet vår tolkning med perspektiver basert på vår teoretiske forståelse Bare deskriptiv ikke med noen tolkning Har noen potensielle spm – si noe om at nøytrale spm Lite glimt av virkeligheten – vet ikke noe om utvalgsprosedyren (nøytral) 4: sier noe om skolen generelt og barnehagene generelt Spm tillater ikke dypdykk – begrns i tid pga av fire store områder 5: Hva resultatet blir avhenger av skolene/barnehagene gjør selv, ikke oppskrift! Ta

Some positive impressions All together a positive impression of the student assessment A positive impression of the cooperation within subject divisions A positive impression of the system related to tests (subject based test) A positive impression of how the management give possibilities for competence development Si noe om begrensningene – selv om pos kan også 3:

Do the schools have a systematic assessment for all students? Do the school have a system for assessment in the school`s plans? Yes This is implemented in different ways The assessment varies according to the student`s age Do the school`s have a system for documenting student assessment? This is done in different ways . E-school is important Do the school`s system for assessment lead to specific, realistic plans? But the respondents varied on how they did this Question: how do we that ? 1: Gitt pos inntrykk/ er viktig for dem, mer usikker på den uformelle/underveis vurderingen 2: Pos inntrykk/ er opptatt av dette, har et godt utbygd formelt system 3: Mer usikkert inntrykk, sier ja, men mer vanskelig å få tak I hvordan, noen har klare svar, andre

Do the schools have a systematic assessment for all students? - 2 Is the school management active in developing student assessment? Both schools answered YES to this question, but the answers differs in what way the management is active in the development. Do the teachers have a mutual understanding of student assessment? Both schools discuss assessment in different meetings Both schools have documents that regulates the understanding of assessment In what way is information and discussion results secured across subject-sections? Where does the question for development start? Top down? Bottom up? In what way do you re discussions leads to changes in practice When challenges in practicing these documents understanding of assessment occur as a teacher, what are the schools strategies further?

Do the schools have a systematic assessment for all students? - 3 Is there a systematic sharing of experience regarding student assessment? Yes But it seems, in both schools , that sharing experiences is being done when its necessary. Most of the sharing of experiences seems to be a choice of the teacher Whom get to say when its necessary? The teachers, witch teachers? The students? The parents? Sharing of good experiences /ideas? Is it a cultur for sharing in youre school? Who shares? Who does not….Is this connected to

Does the school carry out regular tests to assess the students’ level The school has a good view of the students academic and personal development Does the school carry out regular tests to assess the students’ level of achievement? Test (national, school, teacher) Does the school evaluate the results of these tests and use the results to change the teaching? Yes The answers ,in both schools, differ in were the main focus of responsibility is put; on the pupil or on the teacher . Is assessment carried out to give each student a better learning? Uses the results to adjust to the students level of achievement Both schools shows differences in the answers when it comes to: Is it the child who cant “get it” – or – The teacher cant get him “to get it” Difficult and varies between teachers

The teachers have a good dialog with students The teachers have a good dialog with students. Students can participate in learning and teaching Do the teachers consider the students meanings when planning the teaching? Almost everybody does it Question: In what way do they consider the students meanings? Do the students know the plan for student assessment? YES Question: Is giving information enough? Are the students given a clear response to their work? The respondents are divided in two groups; yes and uncertain/varies Question: To students feel they get a clear response? 1:Alle sier de er viktig/gjør det – og de er positivt MEN: At man sier det betyr ikke nødvendigvis at man gjør det/ELLER at elevene opplever dette 2: De som har svart sier ja, som er bra, men igjen; gitt info er ikke det samme som forstått – vet egentlig ikke. Kan det undersøkes? 3: Noen er gode til det, andre ikke så gode. Utfordring med komm om budskapet er forstått. Er realistisk at dette varierer. SPM er om det varierer så mye at det er en utfordring- Hvordan sjekke? Utviklingssamtaler med eleven?

The teachers have a good dialog with students The teachers have a good dialog with students. Students can participate in learning and teaching -2 Is the students work continuously assessed? Yes! Teachers have their individual way (methods) of doing that. More seldom when the child gets older In what way can student’s assessment make students more motivated? Students are motivated by assessment Student are not motivated by assessment Grades give motivation Grades does not give motivation Gives them the feeling of coping So, for a child its good luck if you get a teacher who's responses are detailed and focuses on what to do further… Why is it, that we as human beings, thinks that when you look grown up, you don’t need response, support and someone to pull you… It it so that actually 50% of the student doesn’t feel motivated by the main method of assessment? How do we respond to students MESTRING at their level……..

The teachers have a good dialog with parents about their children`s development How often do the teachers meet the parents? Depending on the need for contact Different kinds of contact Question: how to parents experience this? Are the meetings planed and structured? Almost everybody agrees on this Question: how do parents experience this? Do the meetings end with a summery where the student can participate in making new learning goals? Yes Question: how strong is the student involvement? 1:Varierer her også, stemmer med erfaring fra Norge. NB: hvordan opplever foreldrene dette? Hva er hensikten? 2: Måten strukturen er lagt på legger også føringer på hvordan det oppleves for foreldrene – intrs å vite 3: samme som 2 , måten den gjennomføres på legger føringer på hva som oppnås.

The teachers have a good dialog with parents about their children`s development - 2 Are the parents familiar with the school`s way of assessing and documenting? Almost all the respondents says yes A few respondents thinks it varies Questions: how would the parents answer this question? Do the parents get regular information about the student`s results, progress and development? Yes Are done in different ways Question: do parents use the opportunities/do they understand the information given? 1: Igjen: intrs om budskapet er forstått – er helt nødvendig Hvordan sjekker man dette? Kan det gjøres på andre måter? 2: Samme som 2

The school as a learning organization Is the staff are open to changes? Yes Does the management give possibilities for exchanging experiences and reflections? Meetings (different kind-) Subject sections meetings Courses Does the management engage in the development-work? Listen to ideas Take part in dialogs Active participation Everyone like to look at them self as open to changes. But, after all we do like predictability… You told us where the management gave possibilities to exchange experiences and reflections. We can say very little of how you do it… We see that subject sections are very important. Are there being subject cultures, yes of course. We are very curious about how thick the walls are between each subject culture and how information is transported through the hole school. Teachers sees to be very satisfied with the managements involvment

The school as a learning organization - 2 Does the management know in which way lessons are accomplished (use of methods and strategies)? Development dialogs with teachers Knowledge of teachers plans of lessons and methods (different ways) Does the management encourage competence development of the teachers? yes Courses Different ways of gaining new knowledge Depends on economic situation Management seems to have a good overview over the different teachers work in the subject sections. How is good ideas/information/examples sent further through the organization. How often is the economy good enough? The possibility to gain new information and knowledge seems to be very good. How does the organization assure that this knowledge is spread out through the organization.

The school as a learning organization - 3 Cooperation between teachers When its necessary Subject meetings Whom get to say when its necessary? It is different cultures within the school when it comes to cooperation?

Rules and handling of rules Do teacher`s know the rules of the school? Yes, in general Do teacher`s feel that they are engaged in the development of the rules? Yes Do they think that the students are engaged in the development of the rules? All the respondents agrees that students are involved Question; what would the students answer to this question? 1:

Rules and handling of rules -2 Do the teacher`s agree on what is not accepted behavior? The majority says teachers do agree on this A significant group says it isnt`so/varies Question: does this have an impact on the students? Do teachers think that they react the same way if a child breaks a rule? A majority says this varies A minority says teacher`s do react in the same way Question: what impact do this have on the effect of the rules? 2:

Rules and handling of rules -3 Do teachers experience behavior problems in their classrooms? The answers are divided in four groups; yes, sometimes, little and none Question: what is considered being behavior problems? Do teachers think that behavior problems is one of the biggest challenges of being a teacher? Almost everybody think this is true Question: how do teachers understand behavior problems?

Relations Is it important for teachers to have a good relation to their student`s? YES Many teachers underlined the importance of a good relation Question: what would the children answers to this question? How do teacher`s make good relations with the student`s? The answers differ . Taking the students perspective most common Some vagueness regarding how to establish a positive relation Question: it just happens or are teachers aware on how they do it? 1: Hvordan skjer det egentlig, hvordan opplever eleven resultatet av det du gjør, er lærerne opptatt av dette

Relations - 2 In what way do teachers take an interest in the student`s activities inside and outside the school? Most common response is to talk with the children Question: how would the students answer this question? Do teacher`s use positive feedback to strengthen the relations to students? Giving positive feedback to strengthen the relations to the students is important

Relations - 3 Do teacher`s have strategies for teaching students social skills? A group said no, but would like to have it. Some answered group work/training in class one hour pr week Question: Is there a need for strategies that teachers can use?

Some considerations about the use of the rapport…. Our questions so far (and the report) are of no value alone. It’s the work you do, with our assumptions in mind, that can make a difference. Bring up our questions from the rapport in you're organization! Choose some of the question and discuss them.

Some considerations about the use of the rapport…. Think about who should discuss with whom. Remember that people who often work together, tend to agree very fast. How can you share the results of the discussions ? How can the results of you're discussions lead to possible changes? Learning in individuals and organizations can happen only when reasons for these changes are put on the table, discussed and accepted.