Making Students Work for You Terri Austin Roanoke College
Student Positions Receptionist (POD) Helpdesk Technician Used as training position Our department answers the general campus switchboard Helpdesk Technician Field Technician Web Application Developer Media Technician Digitial Media Editor
Hiring We hire in Spring for the next school year Give current student employees incentives if we hire someone they recommend Solicit from faculty and staff to recruit Advertise with Career Services Use testimonials from “IT” alumni Interview Check references, academic integrity, student conduct Fellows Program
Money!!! Begin with minimum wage Evaluations each semester, opportunity for pay raise Hierarchy of pay within student positions
Keeping Students Happy! Develop loyalty and commitment – make them feel part of your department Solicit and appreciate their input Fall/Spring Get together Summer outing Lots of food Senior Luncheon
IT Having Fun
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Enforcing Work Ethics Expectations Three strikes rule Dependability Responsibility Promptness Trustworthiness Three strikes rule Academic Integrity Dress Code Academics
Communication Setup of mailing list for all student workers and staff Monthly meetings Weekly meetings in summer Specialized meetings Open door policy Pro-Active
Budget Your department must see student expenditures as a priority Not restricted to work study students Staff need to see this as part of their job – mentoring to the students
Training – A Must Students return a week early Mandatory Opportunity to see who fits where Broad scope of topics Bonding experience Lots of effort from our staff to make this happen
Internships and Fellows Pilot program in Spring 2015 5 IT “Team Leaders” participated in official internships Paid internship and ½ academic credit per semester Fellow Program Started Fall of 2016 New incoming freshmen “apply” to the program
Challenges Constant turn-over, which means constant training Academics are their priority Scheduling Continuity
Benefits To College: To Students: Cost Effective Students feel more a part of the RC Community (retention) IT could not operate without our student workers Makes for better alums To Students: Exposure to new areas of computing Real Life job training for future employment Well-rounded student Relationships built with other faculty/staff
Thank you! Terri Austin ( Questions? Thank you! Terri Austin (