The Job Interview Steve Wood TCCC
The Three P’s A successful job interview depends upon the three P’s: Preparation, Politeness, and Performance.
Preparation Know yourself. Know your resume thoroughly and refresh your memory of past jobs and education. Think about why you decided to enter your chosen profession as well as why you want this particular job. Be ready to talk about this. Think about your strengths and weaknesses. Be prepared to sell your strengths.
Preparation Think about the job for which you are applying. It is important to give the impression that you have considered the reality of that job. What kinds of situations might arise on that job? What qualities are necessary to be successful in that job? What is the going rate of pay for that type of job?
Preparation Research the company. Find out what their goals, plans, and values are.
Preparation Think about potential questions. Be ready for all types of questions, especially hypothetical questions.
Common Questions Tell us a little bit about yourself. Be prepared to give a concise but detailed overview of your resume. This is your chance to highlight your qualifications. Personal details are okay to add here to help them get to know you, but don’t be too personal. Why did you decide to major in ____? Be honest and don’t fall back on a generic answer like “I’ve always wanted to help people.” Don’t focus on pay and benefits, even though that is an obvious consideration. What are your strengths? Be sure to include strengths that will be useful in the job.
Common Questions What are your weaknesses, and how do you plan to address them? Be prepared to give a weakness, but preferably, make it something that is also a virtue. “Sometimes I’m too detail-oriented” or “I can be a bit of a perfectionist.” DO NOT admit to anything really bad. They don’t expect you to. Why do you want to work for us? This is where your research on the company comes in handy. What did you like most about your last job? Be positive and stress accomplishments.
Common Questions What did you like least about your last job? Don’t reveal too much here. DO NOT, under any circumstance, badmouth a previous employer (even if those lousy bastards really deserve it). How would a former supervisor/instructor describe you? Again, be positive and upbeat. What do you hope to be doing in five years? Planning and foresight are good; too much ambition can be bad in this answer.
Common Questions What are the three most important qualities necessary to succeed in this job? This is a very common and very important question. Be ready to give a solid answer; examples from your work experience or your education will help. What would you look to accomplish during the first few days if you got this job? Thinking about the job and what it might entail will come in handy here. The generic answer of getting to know the company and co-workers is a safe bet.
Politeness Dress professionally. Generally, that means one level above what you would typically wear on the job. Avoid excessive perfume/aftershave and jewelry. Be on time. DO NOT arrive late. If you’re going to be late, it’s usually better to call with a good excuse and then reschedule.
Politeness Shake hands. Watch your body language. Make good eye contact. Smile. Be polite, but not obsequious. Let your interest in the job and profession come through. Be positive and energetic.
Performance Be yourself. Answer freely and honestly. Know when to shut up. Back up your qualifications and be detailed in your answers.
Tricks Be prepared for the initial interview to be over the phone. Be wary in the waiting room. How you treat the receptionist will be noted. If taken to lunch, don’t salt your food before tasting it, and don’t order from the bar. DO NOT smoke. Many companies have an unwritten rule of not hiring smokers.