The Outdoor Centre Welcomes Our Vision To improve the outcomes for all children and young people by working in partnership with others.
Kilve’s 4 Centres….
Where are we?
A Birds eye view
The Toilets, Showers and Hall
Inside the Hall…..
Important Refreshments…..
Around the grounds of the Centre….
Around the grounds of the Centre….
Around the grounds of the Centre….
Facilities The Drying Room Campfire Sports Pitch Gift Shop
Security Keypads Emergency Alarm CCTV Flood Light 24 Hour Duty Staff
The Instructors
Food Breakfast – Cereals, Toast, Eggs/Beans Lunch – Wrap/Roll, crisps, fruit, choc bar and Salad Dinner – Two Hot options plus a choice of salads We always try to accommodate any dietary issues if known in advance
Things to Pack… A Bed Sheet, Pillow Case and Sleeping Bag/Duvet A Towel and a Washbag Wellies and/or two pairs of Outdoor Shoes Clothes you don’t mind getting VERY dirty and muddy Waterproof Jacket and/or Trousers No Electrical Items, Strappy Tops or Denim Clothing Extra’s – Torch, Camera, Money, Cuddly Toy, Sun Cream and a Refillable waterbottle Also – Please involve your child when packing so they know what they have and what belongs to them so that we can ensure it comes home with them. Being able to lift their own bag would be useful too.
Any Questions?