Liberal Revolutions Europe 1815-1870
Revolutions After the Congress of Vienna in 1815 the absolutist rule was reinforced. In some countries people started asking for a more liberal system. There were different phases: -1820 -1830 -1848
1820 Revolutions The Congress System established in Vienna was challenged by nationalistic and liberal revolts. The uprising began in Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy and Latin America. The demands of the revolutionaries were to get a constitution and a representative government.
1820 Revolutions The results were: -Spain: Ferdinand VII was forced to accept the constitution, even though he recovered his power in 1823 with the Holy Alliance's help. -Revolt was put down in Italy. -Greeks revolt against Turkey -Spanish King's authority was re-established in America.
1830 Revolutions Louis XVIII was restored in France. He governed with the Civil Code and did not try to go back to the Old Regime. Charles X his brother followed him. After the elections he took more power than he could. People mutinied in Paris and he went to the exile. New king Louis Philippe of Orleans represented the interest of bourgeoisies. Workers were against his policy and instability continued until 1848.
1830 Revolutions Belgium was under Dutch control after 1815. Belgians asked Dutch King William I of Orange to grant their own administration. Riot started in Brussels and the Dutch army could not control it. Belgium became independent and was officially recognised.
1830 Revolutions Poland gained a special status. Tsar Nicholas I´s repression led to rebellion. Polish could not win the superior Russian army which crushed them. They were able to stop the Russian troops sent to help Dutch King in his fight against Belgium.
1830 Revolutions: Results Regimes in France, Britain, Belgium, the United States and several countries were solid parliaments. Guarantees for individual rights against arbitrary state action. Considerable religious freedom. Revolution interacted with the rise of industrialization.
1848 Revolutions The causes for the series of revolution in Europe in 1848 were: - the economic depression and crop failures of the former three years. -the political frustration felt by liberal middle-class and nationalistic groups.
1848 Revolutions In Paris King Louis Philippe was expelled from the throne. The provisional democratic government created national workshops to reduce unemployment. The election of the national assembly ended with a working-class uprising. The Second Republic, dominated by the middle classes was establish under the presidency of Louis Napoleon.
1848 Revolution In Vienna popular demonstrations drove Metternich out of the government. Other nationalities under Austrian control asked for controlling their own affairs. Hungary gained autonomy and draft a constitution. Croats sought freedom from Hungary.
1848 Revolution: Results The revolutionary tide soon turned down. There were just a few lasting gains. Liberal nationalists seeking democratic reform were defeated in most of the cases. Only two countries in Europe were going to follow their hopes for freedom: Germany and Italy.