Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM) Joint Research Centre Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM)
Abeta42 standardisation Definition of the SI unit e.g. AAA, refractive index “Pure” peptide calibrator Reference procedure, immunoassay ring trial CRM matrix material Value transfer 1: LC-MS, immunoassay Manufacturer’s working calibrator Value transfer 2: immunoassay Manufacturer’s product calibrator Immunoassay Routine sample Aim: Setting up a reliable traceability chain linking results on routine samples to a common reference, the international system of units (SI) 2
✔ ✔ Definition of the SI unit Purity assessment calibrant Purity assessment amino acids ✔ Pure amino acids Amino acid analysis validation ✔ Amino acid analysis Abeta42 calibrant Commutability studies Correlation studies LC-MS Reference procedure CRM matrix material Processing LC-MS ring trial Feasibility studies processing
Calibrator batch: - Intended use: Calibration of LC-MS measurements for the value assignment of the CRM - Format: recombinant Abeta42 in 20 % acetonitrile, 1 % ammoniumhydroxide - Concentration: determined by Amino acid analysis and purity assessment
Calibrator batch: Amino Acid analysis: - Problem in-house with repeatability and between AA variation, indicating a problem.
Possible explanations: - Purity: very high purity (Q-TOF, ion-trap, sequencing) - Digestion conditions optimised - Different sequences present? Unlikely as recombinant, confirmed by MS sequencing - Problematic interaction between solvent and HCl → freezedrying of samples before measurements: good conditions found on a different test batch To be repeated on actual calibrant (ongoing)
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Definition of the SI unit Purity assessment calibrant Purity assessment amino acids ✔ Pure amino acids Amino acid analysis validation ✔ ✔ Amino acid analysis ✔ Abeta42 calibrant ✔ Commutability studies Correlation studies LC-MS Reference procedure CRM matrix material Processing LC-MS ring trial Feasibility studies processing
LC-MS reference method Must give results that correlate with routine assays → correlation studies: OK Pannee et al (2013) J Alzheim Dis Leinenbach et al (2014) Clin Chem Korecka et al (2014) J Alzheim Dis Bjerke et al (2015) CCLM submitted
Ring trial with common protocol for calibration 9 % 6 datasets: Uncertainty for value assignment: Acceptable for value assignment of the CRM !
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Definition of the SI unit Purity assessment calibrant ✔ Purity assessment amino acids ✔ Pure amino acids Amino acid analysis validation ✔ ✔ Amino acid analysis ✔ Abeta42 calibrant ✔ Commutability studies Correlation studies ✔ LC-MS Reference procedure ✔ CRM matrix material Processing LC-MS ring trial ✔ Feasibility studies processing
Commutability: a reference material must behave in the same way as a patient sample (2 studies, 10 methods) Bjerke et al, CCLM submitted
Processing tests: - Manual filling/ machine filling - Stirring/ not stirring (no difference) - Abeta42 concentration over time while stirring (no slope) - Flash freezing versus slow freezing (better slow freezing) Drift according to filling sequence (aCSF) problem at beginning and end of filling (aCSF)
Conditions chosen: - Machine filling - Stirring - slow freezing Statistical evaluation of data: Soverall = 3.8 % Srepeatability = 3.2 % (method variability) Sbetween vial = 1.9 % (between vial variability) Results from last test (CSF)
→ Decision on format of the matrix reference material: - CSF pool - No spiking - 0.5 mL/vial - 3 levels: low, medium and high - Stored at -70°C
1st level filled
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Definition of the SI unit Purity assessment calibrant ✔ Purity assessment amino acids ✔ Pure amino acids Amino acid analysis validation ✔ ✔ Amino acid analysis ✔ Abeta42 calibrant ✔ Commutability studies ✔ Correlation studies ✔ LC-MS Reference procedure ✔ ✔ CRM matrix material Processing ✔ LC-MS ring trial ✔ Feasibility studies processing ✔
CRM Distribution and Sales Planning Feasibility study (collection, processing, characterisation, commutability) Correlation studies Homogeneity study Storage Processing Interim transport and storage Material selection Short-term stability study Long-term stability study Value assignment Commutability study Follow-up stability monitoring of CRM Assessment by experts Documentation CRM Distribution and Sales
→ Next step 1: homogeneity study first material → Next step 2: processing 2 other levels → Next step 3: Value assignment: - LC-MS methods validated - 6 laboratories or methods - 3 levels - At least 2 days - Common protocol for calibration
Thanks to a large collaboratve network: GBSC IFCC Participating laboratories Manufacturers Some people devoting a majority of their time: Josef Pannee, Julia Kuhlmann, Maria Bjerke, Magdalena Korecka, Andreas Leinenbach…