News Packages
News Packages A stand alone, self contained and complete report of an event which has a definite beginning, middle and end. “Hard News”. Features or “Soft News”
Tips… You must dress appropriately on the days you are to appear on-camera or conduct interviews. Walk before you talk It is important to record natural sound and ambient sound NAT POP ( i.e.. Pumping water, sirens, car driving by) Use tripods whenever possible, don’t abuse pan and zoom. Hold shots at least five seconds head to tail.
CLICK HERE FOR EXAMPLES More Tips… Sequenced shots, shoot a long shot, medium shot and close-ups Shoot an establishing shot, showing overall view, location, size and scale. (i.e. buildings, signs) Use effects sparingly…Wide angle, extreme close-up or different angle. CLICK HERE FOR EXAMPLES Use a tag line close.
Interviewing Sit Down Interviews: This is used to make the interviewee a little more comfortable. Ask the interviewee to ignore the camera and look at you, the reporter. A head shot should be used. Also over the shoulder shots. Stand-Up Interviews: Have the interviewee look at you and once again have them ignore the camera. You should be out of the shot.
Interviewing (cont.) Write your questions out before the interview. Microphones should be 6-8 inches from the source Hand held mics should be at chest level CLICK HERE FOR MIC INFO Over the shoulder shots - shoot the reporter from over the speaker’s shoulder or vice-versa. If reporter is shot make sure the reporter has appropriate facial expressions. Follow the RULE OF THIRDS – CLICK HERE
EXAMPLES OF LOWER THIRDS When editing…. Logically take the viewer visually from one scene to another Use Voice-Overs during B-Roll Create a lower-thirds to identify a person in your video EXAMPLES OF LOWER THIRDS