ACTi Camera Platform Value Position
ACTi Camera Solution Platform D Platform E Platform B Platform K Platform I ACTi camera solution has 5 platforms-D/E/B/K/I currently. We will introduce the position and value of each platform that ACTi can offer to customers.
ACTi Camera Platform Position Price Price Driven Platform I Platform K Platform B Platform E Here is the position of ACTi camera platform, To the down side is approached to price drive, to the right side is approached to spec/quality drive. ACTi depends on spec/product segment/WDR and high value product line to distinguish different product driven. Here will have the detail in next slide. Platform D Spec / Quality Spec / Quality Driven
Platform Position Value Driven Platform Resolution Product Segment Lens IR WDR PS1 PS2 PS3 PS4 PS5 Fixed Vari-focal Zoom (AF) Adaptive Basic (gamma) Superior (Sensor / ISP based) Extreme (ISP + Sensor) Day only D/N Super low light Complicated Light Complicated Light + Super Low Light Price D 1 MP Y Spec 3 MP E Up to 10MP Quality Up to 3MP B K Up to 4MP I Price driven Platform D, 1MP only, PS1/2, Cost effective, simple and useful. Spec driven - Platform D, up to 3MP Platform E, up to 10MP, PS1/2 and support basic WDR Essential, all you can get from 1MP to 10MP, from fixed lens, VF lens to fisheye lens Quality driven Platform E, PS4 and 5, Platform B/K/I, up to 10MP, PS 2~5, Zoom lens with auto focus for easy installation and good service. And also support adaptive IR for platform B/I to adjust the distance cover of IR power. In quality driven product all support higher level WDR, superior WDR and extreme WDR, to restore the detail in high contrast light condition. Easy Installation Good Service Installation Zoom Done IR 10m 20m Price driven Spec driven Quality driven
Platform Position Value High Value Product Line Super Wide Angle Hemispheric w/ 720p/1080p dewarp PTZ Speed Dome D E Y B K I 130° Viewing Angle 180° Viewing Angle Understanding Image Cover range 360° Beside the spec comparison, each platform can offer different high value product line, especially platform B/K/I. Super Wide Angle camera, one to replace more cameras. Hemispheric camera, one to replace all cameras. Hemispheric with 720p/1080p dewarp, replace all cameras and offer understanding image. PTZ/ speed dome, one camera to cover all.
Product Driven with Competitors Manufacture Product driven Price Spec Quality ACTi Y Brand A Brand V Brand H From the competitive view, ACTi can offer full driven of products, better than other competitors.
Why does ACTi provide many cameras? Project camera x N pcs Price driven Spec driven Quality driven Platform D Platform E Platform D Platform E Platform E Platform B Platform I ACTi full product line = Satisfy the all requirement of a project Always engage with ACTi Why does ACTi provide many cameras? One project has lots of cameras, not only one or two pcs. No mater this project is price, spec or quality driven, ACTi all can have a solution for this project to satisfy the all requirement of a project. Thus, always engage with ACTi Always win project then make revenue / margin. Always win project Make revenue / margin
How to win a project with ACTi? Product Selector Project Planner Competitor Comparison Contact ACTi Easy and quick to choose the right cameras from ACTi By specifications By product segments By applications Helps you to plan an IP surveillance project. Product Selector Lens calculator Accessory selector PC selector Hard disk selector Bandwidth/Storage calculator Compare the price, spec and quality with focus competitive models with ACTi cameras. By product segment By camera type By snapshot comparison By video clip comparison Get ACTi support directly Not only the full product line, Acti also can provide good tools to help our customers. Customers can use the sales agent to choose the right cameras and win project easily. There are four parts - Product Selector: Easy and quick to choose the right cameras from ACTi - Project Planner: Helps you to plan an IP surveillance project. - Competitor Comparison: Compare the price, spec and quality with focus competitive models with ACTi cameras. - Contact ACTi: Get ACTi support directly Be a partner with ACTi, you will learn Nothing but win anything. Learn Nothing, Win Anything
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