2014-2015 District School Board of Pasco County SIP Clinic 2014-2015 District School Board of Pasco County
Steps 0-3 Steps 2,3 Problem ID (what) Root Cause Analysis (Why) Barriers in way of Goal School’s Theory of Action Step 1a Strategic Goals Steps 1b, 1c SMART Goals (SIP targets)
Step Zero Root Cause Analysis (Why) Problem ID (what) Steps 1b, 1c SMART Goals, SIP Targets Steps 1a Strategic Goals
5 Whys Analysis to uncover root causes Ask why 5 times to deeply understand the problem
SAMPLE: 5-Why Analysis – ABC Distribution Center Problem Statement: Wrong item shipped to customer The wrong item was pulled from inventory Why? The item we pulled from inventory was mislabeled Why? Our supplier mislabeled the item prior to shipping it to our warehouse Why? The individual applying labels to our product at the supplier placed the wrong label on the product Why? Why? Labels for different orders are pre-printed, and it is easy to apply the wrong label
The wrong item was pulled from inventory Why? The wrong item was pulled from inventory “Retrain our stock pickers” – almost no benefit – this solution has nothing to do with the true cause
The item we pulled from inventory was mislabeled Why? “Inspect our inventory” – minimal benefit – applies to current stock only
Our supplier mislabeled the item prior to shipping it to our warehouse Why? “Have the supplier sort their stock to contain the problem” – very limited long-term benefit
The individual applying labels to our product at the supplier placed the wrong label on the product Why? “Conduct training at the supplier” – limited long-term benefit
Labels for different orders are pre-printed, and it is easy to apply the wrong label Why? “Mistake-proof the label printing and application process” – highly effective
5-Why Analysis – Sample Elementary School Problem Statement: Student writing proficiency declined dramatically between 2012 and 2013. Students were inadvertently denied an opportunity to master writing skills Why? The writing block was eliminated to fully integrate writing across the curriculum, resulting in fewer opportunities for student feedback and revision. Why? Why? Teachers reported not being sure HOW to provide feedback, given the transition to FL standards Teachers reported that PD regarding integrating writing across the curriculum was misaligned Why? Why? Principal, district, DA team, and teachers all had different expectations
Possible Strategic Goal All teachers collaboratively establish expectations for high quality writing instruction and student feedback in the content areas, and they consistently meet those expectations in their classrooms.
What criteria should strategic goals meet? Conditions and processes that drive the outputs Cross cutting: across multiple grades and subjects Make teaching better, resulting in student learning Convey a theory of action
Reaching our goal… Could potentially result in improvements across multiple grades and subjects... …Could generate improvement across district focus areas Could make teaching better and learning deeper…
How important are the right strategic goals? Done well, they reflect our understanding of the key drivers to improved performance in a particular setting and they convey a theory of action for attaining our SMART goals (targets).
School’s Theory of Action Steps 1a, 1b, 1c Steps 1b, 1c SMART Goals (SIP targets) Step 1a Strategic Goals School’s Theory of Action
If we…. (accomplish our strategic goal) then we will… If we… (accomplish our strategic goal) then we will…. (reach our SMART goals, or SIP targets)
Theory of Action Do our strategic goal and SMART goal form a credible theory of action? If… all teachers collaboratively establish expectations for high quality writing instruction and student feedback in the content areas, and they consistently meet those expectations in their classrooms then… Sample Elementary will place in the 90thpercentile statewide for growth in writing proficiency scores in 2013-14.
Steps 1-3 Steps 2,3 Problem ID (what) Root Cause Analysis (Why) Barriers in way of Goal School’s Theory of Action Step 1a Strategic Goals Steps 1b, 1c SMART Goals (SIP targets)
Five Narrative Sections 1. Dropout Prevention and Academic Intervention This section is required for schools with grades 6-12, per Section 1003.413(2)(b), F.S. Does the school have this program? If yes, a goal must be included in the SIP. This goal may be stated and described in the text box for this section, or the goal may be included in the problem solving section of the SIP. If the goal is included in the problem solving section of the SIP, please indicate that in the text box for this section.
2. Every Teacher Contributes to Reading Improvement This section is required for schools with grades 6-12, per Section 1003.413(2)(b), F.S. All secondary schools in Florida that serve students in grades 6-12 are required to comply with Section 1003.413, F.S., the Legislature’s intentional secondary school redesign effort. The purpose of this effort is to ensure that all students promoted from the eighth grade have the necessary academic skills for success in high school. Additionally, students graduating from high school must have the skills necessary for success in postsecondary education or the workplace. Part of this requirement is that every teacher in the school must contribute to the reading improvement of every student. These efforts might include implementation of a coaching model at the school, additional professional development, and classroom support to ensure teaching reading across the curriculum. In this section of the SIP, describe how the school ensures every teacher contributes to the reading improvement of every student.
3. Student Transition and Readiness Sections 3a, b, and c are required for secondary schools and section 3d is required for elementary schools, per Sections 1003.413(2)(g),(h), and (j) and 1008.37(4), F.S. In sections 3a-3c of the SIP, secondary schools describe the strategies and tools they implement or plan to implement to ensure that students are ready to transition into college or the workplace upon high school graduation. In Section 3d, elementary schools describe the strategies and tools they implement or plan to implement to ensure that students are ready to transition into kindergarten. Secondary schools: Respond to items 3a-3c in the text box below. 3a) Describe how the school incorporates applied and integrated courses to help students see the relationship between subjects and relevance to their future. Describe the efforts taken by the school to ensure students make the connection with what they are learning and how it will be useful to their future in all courses and grade levels. 3b) Describe how academic and career planning occur at the school. Describe any special advising or career planning events that take place on campus, including those where students can visit with representatives from colleges and local businesses. 3c) Describe any strategies for improving student readiness for the public postsecondary level based on annual analysis of the High School Feedback Report, which is maintained by the Department of Education, pursuant to Rule 6A-10.038, F.A.C. Details here may reflect the efforts to increase those areas measured on the High School Feedback Report, including the number of students who: graduate, score at level 3 or higher on the tenth grade FCAT 2.0 in reading and mathematics, complete a college preparatory curriculum, take a college entrance exam such as SAT or ACT, transition into college, and successfully complete their first semester of college math or English. Strategies may include efforts embedded in the curriculum, special test preparation opportunities, as well as academic advising and career planning events hosted by the school.
Elementary schools: Respond to item 3d in the text box below. 3d) Describe your school strategies for assisting preschool children to transition from preschool into kindergarten. This may include the administration of the statewide kindergarten screening tool to determine the readiness of each child coming into a kindergarten program, strategies used at the school to involve parents, or programs that partner kindergarten students with students in older grades to develop a mentoring relationship. Describe formal efforts to implement these strategies, which may include the dates of kindergarten registration and open house, the timeline for parental involvement activities throughout the school year, or any special events at the school designed to support the kindergarteners as they transition into their new role as full-time students.
4. Early Warning Systems This section is required for all schools, per Sections 1001.42 and 1003.53, F.S. PascoSTAR houses the Early Warning System (EWS) for each of the district’s schools. In High Schools, the EWS identifies students based upon the following broad indicators: attendance, credits, GPA, course performance, and office discipline referrals. In Middle Schools, the EWS identifies students based upon the following broad indicators: attendance, GPA, course performance, and office discipline referrals. In Elementary Schools, the EWS identifies students based upon the following broad indicators: attendance, course performance, and office discipline referrals. PascoSTAR also houses statewide, standardized assessment data. School teams are able to identify students with any of the following specific indicators: Attendance below 90% One or more suspensions Course failure in ELA or mathematics Level 1 score on the statewide, standardized assessments in ELA or mathematics In this section, a) include the number of students identified as exhibiting 2 or more specific indicators, b) the number of students by grade level that exhibit each specific indicator, c) and a description of all intervention strategies employed by the school to improve the academic performance of students identified.
5. Collaborative Teaching This section is required for all schools, per section 1012.98, F.S. Under the umbrella of a Multi-Tiered System of Support, Pasco Schools engage in the work of Professional Learning Communities to strengthen relationships, collaboration, decision-making, and professional capital. This work involves pursuing deeper academic learning in both our students and staff and includes inquiry-driven problem-solving, project based learning, digital learning, and social emotional learning. In this section, describe the specific processes at the school for engaging in this work.
Reminders for Title I Schools Title I Schools have already laid much of the groundwork for completing their School Improvement Plan. Documents to use: Return on Investment document from the 2013-2104 school year Last years Comprehensive Needs Assessment Current year Comprehensive Needs Assessment Title I School-Wide Plan for the 2014-2015 School year Current Year Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) Reflecting on your current documents: Does the monitoring plan include who, how, what and when? Do the data sources match with the goals and strategies? Are the expected results Specific and Measurable? STEP: 6, 7, 8 Determine how strategies will be monitored (who, when,) STEP: 6, 7, 8 Determine how strategies will be monitored (what, evidence) STEP: 1 Identify goals to help you achieve your targets STEP: 5 Identify action steps for implementation Steps 2, 3, and 4 are addressed in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment
PascoSTAR Template
State Template
Helpful Tools on flsiponline.com
Lots of choices available
Canvas Course
Legislative Requirements for EWS
Senate Bill 850 Goes into effect in the 2014/2015 school year requires schools* to use EWS to monitor and report in SIP data on the following indicators: Attendance below 90% Course failure in English or math 1 or more suspensions (ISS or OSS) Level 1 on state-wide assessment in ELA or math Schools required to report: Number of students with 2+ indicators Number of students at each grade level with indicators Types of interventions offered ----- Meeting Notes (6/26/14 11:13) ----- Add column called SB850 Y for students meeting all 4 criteria N for students not meeting at least one criteria
Steps to Access Data in PascoStar 1. Click on Student Data, Select School from Drop Down Menu
Steps to Access Data in PascoStar 2. Scroll across bottom of data set, Click filter of SB850 column
Steps to Access Data in PascoStar 2. Scroll across bottom of data set (bar: Apple, General, Scroll Always) 3. Click filter of SB850 column and select Y. Then click OK.
Steps to Access Data in PascoStar 4. Create a filter by Entering Name (SB850 2+) in Filter Name box. 5. Select the Save Filter button to save the filter to My Filters.
Steps to Access Data in PascoStar 6. Access saved filters by going back to My Saved Filters and select.
Report #1 Students with 2+in School 1 Report #1 Students with 2+in School 1. Filter data in Student Data using SB850 column only 2. Record total number of items (students) at bottom of page
Report #2 Students at Grade Level 1 Report #2 Students at Grade Level 1. Scroll back to front of data set and click on GRADE 2. Move column to “Drag a column header here” line item
Report #2 Students at Grade Level 3 Report #2 Students at Grade Level 3. Scroll back to front of data set and click on GRADE column 4. Move column to “Drag a column header here” line item 5. Record number students by grade that meet 2+ indicators
Open and Save Data in Excel To export, click on select all buttons records. Then click on Export to Excel Spreadsheet.
EWS Course Canvas Connection https://pasco.instructure.com/courses/41466 https://pasco.instructure.com/courses/41466/pages/sb850-data
Together We Stand: Toward Safe, Inclusive Schools https://pasco