Financial Activities Report


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Presentation transcript:

Financial Activities Report San Francisco, CA October 16, 2005 Xiaoping Yun Treasurer Tony Maciejewski VP for Finance

Summary of Income and Expenses (All numbers in $1,000)

Periodicals Income and Exp Summary

Summary of Income and Exp

Financial Analysis of Proposal 1 International Technology Roadmap for Robotics and Automation (ITRRA) , proposed by Sukhan Lee Support period 2006-2007 (two years) Total amount of support requested: $21,000 Financial impact: no other foreseeable income/expense impact other than $21,000. Summary of FAB discussions: There are robotic technology roadmaps from Japan and other countries already. It is unclear as how the proposed effort might integrate various existing roadmaps and how RAS will benefit from it.

Financial Analysis of Proposal 2 Standards Activities in Service Robotics and Intelligent Robotics, proposed by Sukhan Lee and Erwin Prassler Support period 2006-2007 (two years) Total amount of support requested: $20,000 Financial impact: no other foreseeable income/expense impact other than $20,000. Summary of FAB discussions: IEEE has Standards Board; Service Robotics is a very broad topic to establish useful standards; Recommend that RAS support Sukhan/Erwin’s travel to interact with IEEE Standards Board to establish special interest group(s).

Financial Analysis of Proposal 3 Development and Operation Plan for Restructuring the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Web Services , proposed by Stefano Stramigioli and Paolo Fiorini Support period 2006-2007+ (two+ years) Amount of support requested: $9,000 + $26,000 in 2006 $35,000 in 2007 Financial impact: In addition to $70,000 in 2006/2007, there will be yearly maintenance cost. Summary of FAB discussions: There is a clear need to make RAS web site more professional. What is the best way to accomplish it requires more deliberation.

Financial Analysis of Proposal 4 Camp on “Rescue Robotics”, proposed by Daniele Nardi, Univ. “La Sapienza”, Italy Support period: Oct 29-Nov 2, 2005 Amount of support requested: $10,000 Recommendation of FAB discussions: do not support it.

FAB Proposal Background: Currently, there is no standing travel budget for officers and so requests need to be approved individually prior to travel. This frequently causes delays that result in higher airline ticket prices. (Note that all travel would still be subject to approval prior to reimbursement when expense reports are filed.) Motion: To allocate a budget of $2,500 for each Vice President and the President-Elect per year for travel to IEEE related meetings.

Principles for Use of RAS Funds Funds that have been allocated by the RAS AdCom represent maximum allowable expenditures. Funds must only be used for approved items in the original budget and any funds not expended for those items returned to the RAS. In cases where additional funds are solicited from external parties, e.g., industry, by members of RAS for the support of RAS functions, these funds are to be expended first, prior to using any RAS allocated funds, and only for budgeted items. If external funds exceed the amount needed, the use of the excess must be approved by RAS based on the intent of the sponsor.