Week Four: The Sacraments Our Lutheran Legacy
God’s Grace Delivered (1): Lutheran Legacy: God’s Grace Delivered (1): Holy Baptism
Opening Verses Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen.
Baptized into Your Name Most Holy CW #294 Verse 1 Text: Johann J. Rambach, 1693-1735, abr.: tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1827-78, alt. Setting: O DASS ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HATTE (KONIG) Tune: Johann B. Konig, 1691-1758
Baptized into your name most holy, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, CW #294 Verse 1: Baptized into your name most holy, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I claim a place, though weak and lowly, Among your saints, your chosen host, Buried with Christ and dead to sin. Your Spirit now shall live within.
Gathering Rite Pastor: I tell you the truth, no one can enter….. born of water and the Spirit. All: Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
Gathering Rite Pastor: Surely we were sinful….. at mothers conceived us. All: But we were washed, we were sanctified, we were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ & by the Spirit of our God.
My loving Father, there you took me CW #294 Verse 2: My loving Father, there you took me To be henceforth your child and heir. My faithful Savior, there you let me The fruit of all your sorrows share. O Holy Spirit, comfort me When threat’ning clouds around I see.
Gathering Rite Pastor: As baptized children of God, we confess our sins.
Gathering Rite All: Holy and merciful Father, I confess that I am by nature sinful and that I have disobeyed you in my thoughts, words, and actions.
Gathering Rite I have done what is evil and failed to do what is good. For this I deserve your punishment both now and in eternity.
Gathering Rite But I am truly sorry for my sins, and trusting in my Savior Jesus Christ, I pray: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.
My faithful God, you fail me never; Your promise surly will endure. Verse 3: My faithful God, you fail me never; Your promise surly will endure. Oh, cast me not away forever If words and deeds become impure. Have mercy when I come defiled; Forgive, lift up, restore your child. CW #294
(Pastor announces our forgiveness) All: Amen.
All that I am and love most dearly— Receive it all, O Lord, from me. Verse 4: All that I am and love most dearly— Receive it all, O Lord, from me. Let me confess my faith sincerely, And help me your own child to be! Let nothing that I am or own Serve any will but yours alone. CW #294
(Pastor says the Prayer) Prayer of the Day Pastor: (Pastor says the Prayer) All: Amen.
God’s Word to His People Acts 2:36-39 Peter’s call for repentance & baptism
Confession of Faith Pastor: What is Baptism? All: Baptism is not just plain water, but it is water used by God’s command and connected with God’s Word.
Confession of Faith Pastor: Which is that Word of God? All: Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Matthew, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Built on the Rock CW #529 Verses 1,3,4 Text: Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783-1872, Setting: KIRKEN DEN ER ET GAMMELT HUS Tune: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812-87,
Even when steeples are falling. Crumbled have spires in ev’ry land; Verse 1: Built on the Rock the Church shall stand Even when steeples are falling. Crumbled have spires in ev’ry land; Bells still are chiming and calling, Calling the young and old to rest, But above all the soul distressed, Longing for rest everlasting. CW #529
We are God's house of living stones, Built for his own habitation. Verse 3: We are God's house of living stones, Built for his own habitation. He through baptismal grace us owns Heirs of his wondrous salvation. Were we but two his name to tell, Yet he would deign with us to dwell With all his grace and his favor. CW #529
Telling how God did receive us. Th' altar recalls Christ's sacrifice Verse 4: Here stands the font before your eyes, Telling how God did receive us. Th' altar recalls Christ's sacrifice And what the sacrament gives us. Here sound the Scriptures that proclaim Christ yesterday, today, the same, And evermore, our Redeemer. CW #529
God’s Word to His People Galatians 3:26-29 Baptism “clothes us” with Christ
Confession of Faith Pastor: What does Baptism do for us?
Confession of Faith All: Baptism works forgiveness of sin, delivers from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe this, as the words and promises of God declare.
Confession of Faith Pastor: What are these words and promises of God?
Confession of Faith All: Christ our Lord says in the last chapter of Mark, “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”
the Father’s Grace CW #288 Verses 1,3,6 The Gospel Shows the Father’s Grace CW #288 Verses 1,3,6 Text: Matthias Loy, 1828-1915 Setting: HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND Tune: Cantionale Germanicum, Gochsheim, Dresden, 1628
That we might thus be justified. Verse 1: The gospel shows the Father's grace, Who sent his Son to save our race, Proclaims how Jesus lived and died That we might thus be justified. CW #288
It brings the Savior's righteousness To robe our souls in royal dress; Verse 3: It brings the Savior's righteousness To robe our souls in royal dress; From all our guilt it brings release And gives the troubled conscience peace. CW #288
May we in faith its message learn Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn; Verse 6: May we in faith its message learn Nor thanklessly its blessings spurn; May we in faith its truth confess And praise the Lord, our righteousness. CW #288
God’s Word to His People Romans 6:3-7 Baptism “buries us” with Christ
Confession of Faith Pastor: How can water do such great things?
Confession of Faith All: It is certainly not the water that does such things, but God’s Word which is in and with the water and faith which trusts this Word used with the water.
Confession of Faith All: For without God’s Word the water is just plain water and not Baptism. But with the Word it is Baptism, that is, a gracious water of life and a washing of rebirth by the Holy Spirit.
Confession of Faith Pastor: Where is this written?
Confession of Faith All: Saint Paul says in Titus, chapter 3, “God saves us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously
Confession of Faith through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having this hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying.”
and are Baptized CW #299 Verses 1-2 All who Believe and are Baptized CW #299 Verses 1-2 Text: Thomas H. Kingo, 1634-1703 Setting: ES IST DAS HEIL Tune: Etlich Cristlich lider, Wittenberg, 1524, alt
All who believe and are baptized Shall see the Lord's salvation; Verse 1: All who believe and are baptized Shall see the Lord's salvation; Baptized into the death of Christ, They are a new creation. Through Christ’s redemption they shall stand Among the glorious heav'nly band Of ev'ry tribe and nation. CW #299
With one accord, O God, we pray: Grant us your Holy Spirit. Verse 2: With one accord, O God, we pray: Grant us your Holy Spirit. Help us in our infirmity Through Jesus' blood and merit. Grant us to grow in grace each day That by this sacrament we may Eternal life inherit. CW #299
God’s Word to His People John 3:1-6 Baptism gives us new life
Confession of Faith Pastor: What does baptizing with water mean? All: Baptism means that the old Adam in us should be drowned by daily contrition and repentance,
Confession of Faith and that all its evil deeds and desires be put to death. It also means that a new person should daily arise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever.
Confession of Faith Pastor: Where is this written? All: Saint Paul says in Romans, chapter 6, “We were buried with Christ through baptism into death in order that,
Confession of Faith just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
In thankfulness for our salvation, we support God’s work with our offerings.
Prayer of the Church Pastor: …Lord, in your mercy All: hear our prayer.
Lord’s Prayer All: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Lord’s Prayer Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Lord’s Prayer For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
God’s Grace Delivered (2): Lutheran Legacy: God’s Grace Delivered (2): The Lord’s Supper
God’s Word to His People 1 1111 Corinthians 11:23-29 Paul teaches about the Lord’s Supper
Confession of Faith Pastor: What is the Sacrament of Holy Communion? All: It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ for us Christians to eat and to drink.
Confession of Faith Pastor: Where is this written? All: The holy evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the apostle Paul tell us:
Words of Institution
Lord, Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared CW #312 Verse 1 Text: Samuel Kinner, 1603-68 Setting: DU LEBENSBROT, HERR JESU CHRIST Tune: Peter Sohren, c. 1630-c. 1692, alt.
Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared This feast for our salvation; Verse 1: Lord Jesus Christ, you have prepared This feast for our salvation; It is your body and your blood, And at your invitation As weary souls, with sin oppressed, We come to you for needed rest, For comfort, and for pardon. CW #312
God’s Word to His People 1 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Paul teaches about the Lord’s Supper
Confession of Faith Pastor: What blessing do we receive through this eating and drinking?
Confession of Faith All: That is shown us by these words: “Given” and “poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins.”
Confession of Faith Through these words we receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation in this sacrament. For where there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.
Confession of Faith Pastor: How can eating and drinking do such great things?
Confession of Faith All: It is certainly not the eating and drinking that does such things, but the words “Given” and “poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins.”
Confession of Faith These words are the main thing in this sacrament, along with the eating and drinking. And whoever believes these words has what they plainly say, the forgiveness of sins.
Confession of Faith Pastor: Who, then, is properly prepared to receive this sacrament?
Confession of Faith All: Fasting and other outward preparations may serve a good purpose, but he is properly prepared who believes these words: “Given” and “poured out for you for the forgiveness of sins.”
Confession of Faith But whoever does not believe these words or doubts them is not prepared, because the words “for you” require nothing but hearts that believe.
Lord, Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared CW #312 Verses 2-8 Text: Samuel Kinner, 1603-68 Setting: DU LEBENSBROT, HERR JESU CHRIST Tune: Peter Sohren, c. 1630-c. 1692, alt.
Although you did to heav'n ascend, Where angel hosts are dwelling, Verse 2: Although you did to heav'n ascend, Where angel hosts are dwelling, And in your presence they behold Your glory, all excelling, And though your people shall not see Your glory and your majesty Till dawns the judgment morning, CW #312
Yet, Savior, you are not confined To any habitation, Verse 3: Yet, Savior, you are not confined To any habitation, But you are present ev'rywhere And with your congregation. Firm as a rock this truth shall stand, Unmoved by any daring hand Or subtle craft and cunning. CW #312
We eat this bread and drink this cup, Your precious Word believing Verse 4: We eat this bread and drink this cup, Your precious Word believing That your true body and your blood Our lips are here receiving. This Word remains forever true, And there is naught you cannot do, For you, Lord, are almighty. CW #312
Though reason cannot understand, Yet faith this truth embraces: Verse 5: Though reason cannot understand, Yet faith this truth embraces: Your body, Lord, is ev'rywhere At once in many places. I leave to you how this can be; Your Word alone suffices me; I trust its truth unfailing. CW #312
Lord, I believe what you have said; Help me when doubts assail me. Verse 6: Lord, I believe what you have said; Help me when doubts assail me. Remember that I am but dust, And let my faith not fail me. Your supper in this vale of tears Refreshes me and stills my fears And is my priceless treasure. CW #312
Grant that we worthily receive Your supper, Lord, our Savior, Verse 7: Grant that we worthily receive Your supper, Lord, our Savior, And, truly grieving for our sins, May prove by our behavior That we are thankful for your grace And day by day may run our race, In holiness increasing. CW #312
For your consoling supper, Lord, Be praised throughout all ages! Verse 8: For your consoling supper, Lord, Be praised throughout all ages! Preserve it, for in ev'ry place The world against it rages. Grant that this sacrament may be A blessed comfort unto me When living and when dying. CW #312
Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior CW #313 Verses 1-8 Text: John Hus, c. 1369-1415 Setting: JESUS CHRISTUS, UNSER HEILAND, DER VON UNS Tune: Joseph Klug, Geistliche Lieder...gebessert, Wittenberg, 1535
Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior, Turned away God's wrath forever; Verse 1: Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior, Turned away God's wrath forever; By his bitter grief and woe He saved us from the evil foe. CW #313
As his pledge of love undying, He, this precious food supplying, Verse 2: As his pledge of love undying, He, this precious food supplying, Gives his body with the bread And with the wine the blood he shed. CW #313
Jesus here himself is sharing; Take heed how you are preparing, Verse 3: Jesus here himself is sharing; Take heed how you are preparing, For if you do not believe, Judgment instead you shall receive. CW #313
Useless would be Jesus' passion If salvation you could fashion. Verse 4: Useless would be Jesus' passion If salvation you could fashion. Do not come if you suppose You need not him who died and rose. CW #313
And receive my grace and favor; Those who feel no pain or ill Verse 5: Christ says, "Come, all you that labor, And receive my grace and favor; Those who feel no pain or ill Need no physician's help or skill." CW #313
Then hold fast with faith unshaken That this food is to be taken Verse 6: Then hold fast with faith unshaken That this food is to be taken By the souls who are distressed, By hearts that long for peace and rest. CW #313
Unto us such food has given And, to mend what we have done, Verse 7: Praise the Father, who from heaven Unto us such food has given And, to mend what we have done, Gave into death his only Son. CW #313
If your heart this truth professes, And your mouth your sin confesses, Verse 8: If your heart this truth professes, And your mouth your sin confesses, Surely you will be his guest And at his banquet ever blest. CW #313
(Pastor says blessing) The Blessing Pastor: (Pastor says blessing) All: Amen.
Thank the Lord ♫ All: Thank the Lord and sing his praise. Tell ev’ryone what he has done. Let all who seek the Lord rejoice and proudly bear his name.
Thank the Lord He renews his promises and leads his people forth in joy with shouts of thanksgiving. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Silent Prayer
Week Four: The Sacraments Our Lutheran Legacy