O-Week for Academics Policies, Procedures, Practice Bronwen Whiting Senior Lecturer in Statistics (RSFAS) Associate Dean (Education)
Things to find out about a course (preferably before teaching!) Is it a core course, or an elective? At what stage in their degree will most students be – 1st, 2nd or 3rd year? Are there any prerequisites (or assumed knowledge) for the course? In what degree(s) will most students be enrolled?
Course Outline Contract with students Period of negotiation for assessment Need to use the template (should have been emailed within your school) Also, need to provide weekly times for students to seek advice
Thing you need to know, but didn’t know to ask Lectures start at 5 minutes past the hour, finish at 5 minutes to the hour E.g. a 9am lecture will run from 9.05am – 9.55am Allows for movement between classes, across campus Lecture recordings (Echo360) will automatically record in these times
Lecture recording Guide to use: https://services.anu.edu.au/information-technology/audio-visual/echo360/echo360-lecture-recording-quick-guide
Teaching term dates (and expectations) Available at http://www.anu.edu.au/directories/university-calendar During non-teaching periods, no assessment tasks can be due
Assignments All submitted through Turnitin Students may choose not to use Turnitin; then need to submit paper copy; plus copies of all references (!) If not submitted through Turnitin, need to seek exemption from AD(E)
Students in Crisis ANU Counselling Centre http://counselling.anu.edu.au
Exams Run centrally; timetabled centrally Exam details will be requested Exam paper needs to be provided to your school office Customary for course convener to attend beginning of exam (for “Reading time” to answer questions, check for typos etc)
Grading Scale Mark Range Grade 80-100 HD 70-79 D 60-69 C 50-59 P 45-49 PX 0-45 N NCN DA *Round grades to whole numbers *PX – student needs to be offered another assessment; is then judged only on new assessment and either gets original mark with fail grade (45-49, N), or mark of 50 with grade PS
After grades finalised by course convener…. Second examiner Research School review (Examiners meeting) College level review (Special Executive meeting)
After semester finishes Held in week 1 of following semester SELS Code of Practice for teaching: https://policies.anu.edu.au/ppl/document/ANUP_000726
Resources https://www.cbe.anu.edu.au/staff/staff/teaching-support/teaching-at-anu/